Saturday, January 08, 2005


i started to do a bit of dating i guess you could call it, but its not dating if both people agree its not dating so i guess its "hanging out"
i asked this one girl to hangout where i temp at and she said sure but she's not looking to date right now. i said thats cool we can just hang. we ended up going out to eat at an irish pub. i got a grilled chicken sandwich and she got some sausage/turkey sandwich..we then drove to a place called la jolla which i pronounced "la joe-luh" haha - she got a good laugh out of that. she took to me through the little shopping district they have which is really cool but looks very expensive. we drove a bit down the street and ended up at the beach. the beach is awesome there - it's basically a rocky beach with cliffs. its very pretty, and i guess the sea lions sit on the beach in the day time.
after the beach we drove to her house and hung out with her roomate and watched a bit of tv and then i went home. she's very cute, confident and intelligent. we differ on things like politics where she is a right wing republican and i am a democrat. she's motivated to be something important in life and i am motivated to just live one day at a time and enjoy life by working as least i can. she and i hung out again tonight and we watched the movie "saved" which i brought over for her to keep since she is kind of religious - she says "spirtual"
her roomate, her friend and i were there to watch the movie. i'd like to get to know her better but i dont think she is interested in that. i think she strictly just wants to be friends. i love friends =P

who's down with the g-o-d?


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