Sunday, April 24, 2005


the best girlfriend i've ever had in my life and my best friend in the whole world has lost her father. we finished our show this past friday when we got home and erica was checking her voicemails. she received a voicemail from her mom out of the blue @ 2am, announcing her dad was in the intensive care unit. she then received another phone call from a family friend saying her dad was in a coma on life support. saturday evening at dinner she received another phone call that her dad had died of a bacteria infection. it was just a short few weeks ago she was talking with her dad who was in perfect health and in the matter of 2 days he is gone. i feel so bad for her. she is the nicest, sweetest person i've ever met in my life. the things i remember most about her dad was he loved to eat and talk about food for days on end. he told terrific stories - he used to come down to vermont with erica's mom to our apartment in blackstone, ma and we'd go out for lunch and he'd tell these stories that would keep your attention and make you feel like it was movie. he was super smart, religious, knew alot about town water since that was his job, loved to count things including how many ants he killed in the house, he was unique, he was stubborn, he loved his cat, he loved to be outdoors...he lived life without all the gagdets, expensive clothes and cars that people think make them happy. he lived a simple life and was happy with it.
one of the sweetest things i always remember about him is him sending erica letters in the mail telling her whats going on his life, the families that are in close contact with them, and how much he missed her...he'd also always put a scratch ticket in their hoping erica would win a small fortune. he lived life under his own terms and showed his love for others in ways that sometimes you had to think about but was just as meaningful and heartfelt as conventional ways.

deacon peter putis


Saturday, April 16, 2005


life is just moments of time and you can't be greedy and ask for everything at once. you just take what you have/had and live off that moment.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

let me start off with wishing rob stone of framingham, ma a quick recovery. he recently had a colonoschapy (sp?) they gave him some medicine that made me pooh pee...gross huh!?!?
well wishes my friend!

my bestest friend zdenek janda from massachusetts is coming out to california this saturday. when i see that little man run off the airplane and into my arms i am going to give him the biggest kiss known to man. i haven't seen this little guy since november 2004! kisses, hugs, lust, pizza, gatorade and anal stimulation will be happening like no ones news!
erica and i are going up to los angeles saturday night and meeting up with z's sister viviane and then off to the airport to pick up z and his wonderful wife cathy. then its off to some cheap motel and megs bday party. california kings for one night anyway!

new things in my life:
i made steves website
herbie's foot needed to be operated on. cost: $188 - herbie feeling no more pain: priceless.
this is my last week as a temp at my current job.
i paid $2.54/gallon for regular gas yesterday

thats all i'm kinda boring lately...
catch me next time when i write about what happened with the saga that is Z & Me.

lovingly yours,

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


wut up dawg?
it's the g to the r to the e double g

enough with the nonsense lets get to the topic at hand should gay people be able to marry legally under united states law?
i say yes - why you ask? well because they deserve the same rights and liberties as any other american. screw the religion angle thats such bullshit. religion already contradicts itself so you cant even use that as an agle. wars start over religion - enough said! lets legalize marriage so i can get married! haha j/k about me getting married...


Friday, April 01, 2005


it's getting fuckin' hot in san diego wooooo...zdenek & cathy come here soon. i'm pretty excited about seeing them, it'll be fun. they are coming the day of our show - holla!

so far my 2 new favorite albums of the week are
m83 - before the dawn heals us
bloc party - silent alarm

buy these two albums or download them off soulseek b/c they very excellent, and who the hell doesnt love an excellent album or two!

i haven't written good music in the last couple weeks. i feel kinda out of juice in that department lately...can i have some of your juicy juice please?

i watched rodger dodger last weekend (recommended by dave tuetken) what a good movie...very funny, interesting and super it buy it rip it do something with it!

g is moving in with her sista
the pope is dieing
i downloaded 53 songs yesterday
i met we played a show with them in rhode island - and we saw them play out here - really cool to see them again
i had $1,000 in my bank account for 1 day.
i keep losing in the lottery
i look better with short hair
i tried rubios
i tried ice breaker sours

im off...

have seen the new pirate movie? it's rated arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh
