Friday, April 01, 2005


it's getting fuckin' hot in san diego wooooo...zdenek & cathy come here soon. i'm pretty excited about seeing them, it'll be fun. they are coming the day of our show - holla!

so far my 2 new favorite albums of the week are
m83 - before the dawn heals us
bloc party - silent alarm

buy these two albums or download them off soulseek b/c they very excellent, and who the hell doesnt love an excellent album or two!

i haven't written good music in the last couple weeks. i feel kinda out of juice in that department lately...can i have some of your juicy juice please?

i watched rodger dodger last weekend (recommended by dave tuetken) what a good movie...very funny, interesting and super it buy it rip it do something with it!

g is moving in with her sista
the pope is dieing
i downloaded 53 songs yesterday
i met we played a show with them in rhode island - and we saw them play out here - really cool to see them again
i had $1,000 in my bank account for 1 day.
i keep losing in the lottery
i look better with short hair
i tried rubios
i tried ice breaker sours

im off...

have seen the new pirate movie? it's rated arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually you look better with longer hair and facial hair