Thursday, April 14, 2005

let me start off with wishing rob stone of framingham, ma a quick recovery. he recently had a colonoschapy (sp?) they gave him some medicine that made me pooh pee...gross huh!?!?
well wishes my friend!

my bestest friend zdenek janda from massachusetts is coming out to california this saturday. when i see that little man run off the airplane and into my arms i am going to give him the biggest kiss known to man. i haven't seen this little guy since november 2004! kisses, hugs, lust, pizza, gatorade and anal stimulation will be happening like no ones news!
erica and i are going up to los angeles saturday night and meeting up with z's sister viviane and then off to the airport to pick up z and his wonderful wife cathy. then its off to some cheap motel and megs bday party. california kings for one night anyway!

new things in my life:
i made steves website
herbie's foot needed to be operated on. cost: $188 - herbie feeling no more pain: priceless.
this is my last week as a temp at my current job.
i paid $2.54/gallon for regular gas yesterday

thats all i'm kinda boring lately...
catch me next time when i write about what happened with the saga that is Z & Me.

lovingly yours,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you and zdenek make a cute couple