Friday, February 03, 2006

I Shaved: The Stubble Is Dead

On February 1, 2006 I shaved, Bicked, Baby Faced my Face for the first time in seriously like 2 months it seems. I was shaving my beard with an electric razor so that it left a bit of stubble. Stubble makes me so much cuter, more raw looking, more fierce, more of everything in what I'm aiming to be and that is "A REAL LIFE MAN" Enough of the boy angle I play so well. It's time for me to pretend I'm a grown up with offerings not felt from anyone except my own private parts

My voice has been getting better day by day. I still can't do high voices or sing high notes which sucks really bad because it cuts my mimicking of people in half and my soprano singing. For the present I can't copy girls voices and I do that so freakin' well it hurts. This cold fucking kicked my throats ass - if my throat had an ass it kicked it. I guess it kicked my throats vocal chords.

I've been producing my friend Jackie's album that she is recording with D-Fab. I'm helping her structure her songs and helping her with chords on the guitar & piano parts. I can't even play piano but I can improvise a bit cause I'm wicked cool!

The Love of Your Life,


Anonymous said...

Uh you shave your head? Uh I am a little lost on this one.

Gregg O'Connell said...

i shave my face not my head. you're dramatic huh?