On a Pimp-o-meter of 1-10...you get a high 8. (a 9 would be Bikinis or Bra and Panties) (a 10 would be Topless flashing)...but who's complaining, there's some action going on and thats all that matters....we bow in your presence!
From the time I got my first computer in 1995 I've always loved technology and helping people understand, learn, fix, enjoy and get the most out of their electronic device.
Damn son, you sure eat at a lot of restaurants!
damn son don't be jealous cause i have girls that like to take care of me! what what what!
On a Pimp-o-meter of 1-10...you get a high 8. (a 9 would be Bikinis or Bra and Panties) (a 10 would be Topless flashing)...but who's complaining, there's some action going on and thats all that matters....we bow in your presence!
do you wanna smell my fingers...
i just wiped my bum
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