Saturday, March 05, 2005

changing your ways cause you don't know what to do.

after high school time just seems to go faster than imaginable. i remember the day i started working at putnam investments. i was 19 years old basically just out of high school. that time period seems so different then where i am now and the people that surround me today. life expectancy in this age is 75 years old, i'm turning 25 tomorrow which means that i am basically 1/3 dead or 1/3 life lived which ever you so choose. i can only think that time goes faster from here cause it seems the older i get the faster time goes. all my fears derive from the fear of death. if only i could get over that..=)

i'm not happy working office jobs but i like to have money in my pocket. i also like the ability to buy the things i like in life. it seems it will be a dilema that will haunt me the rest of my life. i would love to make music that people would actually listen to and enjoy and get something out of it. the people that listen to my music now basically only listen once and put it down never to listen to it again. thats just the way music works unless you're on the radio or have actual fans which are finding it hard to get. haha man this is kind of a depressing blog...I should start over and think of the good things that happen over the course of many birthdays. it's so cliche of me to be all depressed that i am getting older. i am actually not depressed or unhappy of my incoming quarter century of living its just that i am questioning what i want to do that will make me the most content and happy in life. then again i doubt i will ever be content, i'm always on the lookout for something new and more interesting...have it be girls, music, technology, etc...

things to do before you turn 25:
get a dog
talk to someone you havent in a while from your school days
go to a wake or funeral
move far away from home
watch the news
steal music
get an ipod
have sex
break someones heart
get your heart broken
buy stocks
save your money
write a song
quit a job/walkout
go to a psychologist/psychiatrist
take antidepressants
give up something you love
go back to church/never return again
don't take yourself serious.

gregg @ 24 years old.

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