Thursday, March 03, 2005

i want you and i want him.


it seems every girl i meet these days is either married or in a long term boyfriend situation. there's this one girl who has been dating someone for such a long time, but she and i have this weird little sick connection. i feel like she wants to take the jump but she has too many wires tangled together that if she did her world would be completely different and crazy the next day. she'd lose everything that is close to her. i kinda feel like thats kinda exciting & sometimes you need to do out of the ordinary things to shake up your life and wash the dust from the top shelf. it sheds your old skin, makes you new and dangerous, & unpredictable.

think about it.



Anonymous said...

I miss you sexy.....hopefully i'll get out there soon

Gregg O'Connell said...

who wrote that? haha do tell!