Saturday, March 26, 2005

what would the weekend be without a post?
this week was pretty good...exciting, fun & promising.
I've become closer to some of the people at work. They went to our show this past week and screamed there little hearts out for us!

Z got a new picture phone!
Cathy started a blog!
I got a sony psp.
my mom moved out of her house and into a new one.
G is moving out of her apartment.
I have a crush...bad I know! haha
herbie (my dog) is sleeping next to me as i write this.
erica bought a hot air popcorn popper
dave still doesnt work

next weekend should be an interesting, crazy fun weekend...i'll let you know the scoop...mmm you love scoops of ice cream...

on a side note my cat barney who lived with my mom was put to sleep this week. i've lost two of my favorite cats in about a year (barney & vanessa). barney loved me and i loved him so much as well. he was such an affectionate, nice cat. if i started to pat him and then stopped and walked away he would follow me around where-ever i went like a dog...animals to me are just as an important if not more important than humans are to me. i wish more people felt the way i did about animals. if i ever have alot of money or become famous alot of my support will be given to no kill animal shelters and the protection of i just need to become a vegetarian...
RIP Barney =(



Anonymous said...

Gregg likes girls! He's going to be the hottest thing since sliced bread one day. I know his secret crush, but I'll never tell :) Stop blushing Gregg!

Luv u Man!

Anonymous said...

hey, you never told us about your weekend. was it interesting and crazy fun??

and you have too many crushes.