Tuesday, April 05, 2005


wut up dawg?
it's the g to the r to the e double g

enough with the nonsense lets get to the topic at hand should gay people be able to marry legally under united states law?
i say yes - why you ask? well because they deserve the same rights and liberties as any other american. screw the religion angle thats such bullshit. religion already contradicts itself so you cant even use that as an agle. wars start over religion - enough said! lets legalize marriage so i can get married! haha j/k about me getting married...



zdenek55 said...

bro bro bro, I am on my way to California Via Aero plane. I am a bit nervous, but that may be due to not having flown in about 10 years. I will get on that plane and enjoy this vacation regardless. I plan to relax, see things I have never seen and visit old family/friends. I got new son's glasses and new sneakers. So I am looking good and ready to meet some fella's.

Anonymous said...

i love when your passionate about things so dear and close to your heart.