Saturday, May 28, 2005

top 20 most viewed photos

lissa - my special friend from sd

#1: lissa - my special friend from sd

she's panamasian

61 views / Nobody counts lissa - my special friend from sd as a favorite / 0 comments

beast man

#2: beast man

a half nude zdenek

31 views / Nobody counts beast man as a favorite / 0 comments

friends in sd

#3: friends in sd

couple boston peeps in zdenek

29 views / Nobody counts friends in sd as a favorite / 0 comments

Isa my ex gf

#4: Isa my ex gf

i dated her from 1996-1998

27 views / Nobody counts Isa my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Meg my ex gf

#5: Meg my ex gf

I dated her for 2 months in 2004

27 views / Nobody counts Meg my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Erica ex gf

#6: Erica ex gf

i dated here from 2002-2004

24 views / Nobody counts Erica ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments


#7: boobville

my friend jill from jr high is on the left with her friends

23 views / Nobody counts boobville as a favorite / 1 comment

Erin my ex gf

#8: Erin my ex gf

i dated her for like 2 months in 2001

23 views / Nobody counts Erin my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

my sis and her hubbie

#9: my sis and her hubbie

xmas time kisses

21 views / Nobody counts my sis and her hubbie as a favorite / 0 comments

Jessie my ex gf

#10: Jessie my ex gf

i dated here from 1998-2001

21 views / Nobody counts Jessie my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

herbie @ 8 weeks

#11: herbie @ 8 weeks

the first day i had herbie

18 views / Nobody counts herbie @ 8 weeks as a favorite / 0 comments

erica's pretty hair

#12: erica's pretty hair

erica my ex-gf/best friend/roomate/bandmate

18 views / Nobody counts erica's pretty hair as a favorite / 0 comments

my adopted daughter

#13: my adopted daughter

my adopted daughter from europe

16 views / Nobody counts my adopted daughter as a favorite / 0 comments

my dream girl

#14: my dream girl

hot so f'n hot

16 views / Nobody counts my dream girl as a favorite / 0 comments

michelle from sd by way of chi-town

#15: michelle from sd by way of chi-town

hip hopper

15 views / Nobody counts michelle from sd by way of chi-town as a favorite / 0 comments

my bro and evan

#16: my bro and evan

my brother and my sisters son evan

15 views / Nobody counts my bro and evan as a favorite / 0 comments

hippie love

#17: hippie love

hazelgoods hippie love music

14 views / Nobody counts hippie love as a favorite / 0 comments

z blowing mister man

#18: z blowing mister man

at work

13 views / Nobody counts z blowing mister man as a favorite / 0 comments


#19: brothers

charles in charge's brother and son

13 views / Nobody counts brothers as a favorite / 0 comments

me and dave @ petco park

#20: me and dave @ petco park

dave and i's first time at petco park in SD

13 views / Nobody counts me and dave @ petco park as a favorite / 0 comments

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

oh just smile

haha here is some dope shit!

me and z - Wahooleena Carolina

me talking to z on the phone and he doesnt know i'm recording it - phone call

hiding ourselves

here is a song that will never go farther than the computer in my bedroom. i'll never record it in a studio cause its pretty much rubbish but its a good short explanation of how my relationship with erica was when living in massachusetts about the end of our relationship. the lyrics are below. download the song here

you shutdown
a part of me
that no one else will ever see
with eyes closed
i'd like to know
whats going on between you & me

we share a house
but not rooms
we hide ourselves from what we still do
when we're alone
we reminisce
about the time herbie almost got hit

and its upstairs i really know where you're going

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

my netflix movie queue

Writing to reach you

dear baby girl,

i just signed up for a gym membership at 24. i figure its about time i start and continue a workout routine that will establish me with a hot body instead of a body only a mother could love. the throwing up only gets you so far...=P

work this week has been ok so far. i am really glad its a 3 day weekend this week...i'm probably going to do laundry which i was supposed to do yesterday but got too busy and it seems i will remain busy the rest of the week. i am getting tickets to street scene this thursday. street scene is gonna be so phat. checkout the lineup

if i ever get murdered check my blog for clues - crazy story
and here is what he wrote in the blog entry - read here

facts for the week:
*my mom is getting a verizon cell phone tomorrow
*my dog needs to be groomed (if you know of a good one in SD let a brotha know)
*the warehouse at my work is singing "taco bell" religiously
*my heart rate on the bike was 122 - my friend said it should be 160 (i'd be in good shape for a dead guy)

til the next time,

Saturday, May 21, 2005

questions asked and answered

what is your dream? my dream when i was 12 years old was to play basketball professionally. i played basketball everyday - i was one of the best at my school. when i started to go through puberty at 13 i also started to listen music. one of the first tapes i ever bought was nirvana - in utero. it was hearing that album that made me decide i wanted to know everything about kurt cobain and nirvana. i bought every cd they had, every tshirt, poster and bootleg i could find - i was obsessed. nirvana is the reason i learned to play guitar. my dream from 13 til pretty much now has been to become a rock star. when i was in my teens i wanted to be in the biggest band in the world - now i just want to be in a band/play music where i can make a living off of it. the thing is i dont want to tour 365 days a year every year. i'd like to tour a good chunk of the year and put an album out every year so and have a small fan base. the dream of becoming a rock star is just as obserd sometimes as being a pro basketball player. we think our music great and awesome just like over other band does but we can't get people to come to our shows and we can't sell albums. i hate selling myself band to people - its feels sleazy. i don't mind telling people im in a band. so my dream is to become a medium sized rock star, put albums out, have any and all toys i want, have a couple of dogs, give money and support to non-kill animal shelters, and die at the age of 175 years old.

why did u move in the first place? Was it the job...or the band...what does your heart say?
i moved inititally b/c i was working a job that i was sick of and i knew if i didn't do something drastic that i would stay in that job and be miserable..haha sound familiar? the job i was working was for a autoparts dealer in their accounts payable dept. (haha guess what my job is now???) they kept giving more and more work and i kept asking for more money and they never came through. so one day they gave me more work and i just walked out and left a note saying that i had quit. i called erica on my drive home and said "i need to move, i just quit my job... i'm so sick of it..our band is doing anything here and i want to move somewhere far away. i mentioned conneticut, north carolina, florida...we then got dave our drummer into the mix and asked him...both of them shot down all of the states i mentioned...erica who has always wanted to move to california mentioned what else "california" i said ok how about san diego..and she said what about LA...i said well we know our friend laurie lives in san diego and she says its we decided on san job ended up calling me back and i told them i'd come back for 2 months but then i'm moving 2 months by and we the predicates head off on a 6 day journey across america to san diego, ca. so yes i followed my heart, now is my heart still in the same place? yes and no...yes b/c i'd still like to experience more of california its just hard for to make friends since i'm kinda of a hermet...since i don't go out much...
no b/c i'd like to be back east sometimes...i miss alotta things about massachusetts but not enough to move back at this time in my life...

Do you wanna try to grab and go forward into an unknown...or do you want to sink back into familiarity...? i want head into the unknown - i feel like i want alot of change right now im life. other than the scenery and lack of friends...i have the same job basically here as i did in massachusetts and erica is again working 2 jobs just to be able to pay her bills..its like playing the same song over and over but in a different club - it gets boring after a while even though you are playing in a different place. the unknown for me would be to quit my job and get a job that just pays the bills and nothing else..and try like hell and sell my band to everyone and their mother...


Thursday, May 19, 2005

anything, anything

dear darling,

how was your day? my day was pretty ok. no real drama or scientific evidence of stress at work. i made the old ladies laugh as we imagined my young body intertwined with their frail frames.
i haven't felt the touch of your hands in such a long time. i wonder if the touch still has the electricity i felt the last time you did? i remember the times we would talk and you'd laugh at what i every word was a joke that you never heard before. i can't believe the twists and turns life force feeds us but i actually like those. i'd be even more bored if life were a straight line without changes. i'd rather live one fucked moment to one amazing moment anyday.

starting next week when i have a tv i'm going to start this brand new untried idea..something that has never been done ever ever...and no one has ever though of this except me!
i'm going to start writing about tv shows i watch and all of us can talk shit about the show? amazing huh! great idea? sweeeeeeeeeeet.

some of the girls i work with at my job dress like they want every guy in the building to stop and look at their boobs and butts...don't girls know what us guys really want? duh i guess not!!!
we want a nice stelleto shoe, a pretty amethyst bracelet, or a killer coach handbag!

if you had to pick 5 cd's to bring with you on a desserted island which would they be?
mine would be

bt - movement in still life: the best trance cd i've ever heard - a really good setting cd..wink wink.
nada surf - let go: such a beautiful collection of music - i love it for happy and sad moments.
postal service - give up: a great cd to think or dance too
weezer - pinkerton: a great mix of heavy/soft/punk
third eye blind - third eye blind: to give me a nice pop/rock fix

websites to checkout when you're bored

nighty nite,

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

No rings on these fingers

good evening Jesus,

i'm having too much fun sharing my photos.
i posted a album of photos of girls i've dated in my past. haha pretty funny shit. if i dated you please send me your photo and you too can be an ex-gf on my website.

does anyone feel flawless with there innerself? i sure don't i've heard too many times of my faults but are they true God? I sure hope God is real cause if he isn't then life is kinda fuckin weird...i need somewhere to go after i die and i ain't talking about hell. I want to be somewhere with all the animals i've had in life, family & friends and just shoot the shit..who's with me on this one?

this blog is getting a bit uhh unorganized...i can't keep a straight thought...i'm 0n fire.

facts about today

*erica and i got in a fight this morning and afternoon over basically nothing
*i had lunch with lissa
*i talked to my mom for 1 minute
*i went for a walk with the dogs and erica after work
*i watched elephant - it was alright - a bit depressing but what else can you expect from an indie film
*i'm more fucked than previously thought

unless i write tomorrow - please remember to remind me to write in my blog again.

almost over & out,

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

geezers need excitement

good day mate.

back from my deep blue ocean of depression haha j/k i wasn't depressed so lets not all start writing me emails asking if i was on a 24 hour suicide watch cause that comes much later in this story..haha again just kidding with the suicide shit i'm too scared to die anyway.

ok i updated my links section if you look over to the right. i added a photos page and a link to the yahoo music unlimited. i've been messing around with the yahoo music unlimited and i totally dig it. it not only provides you with your own customized radio station the plays only bands that you like in cd quality but you can also download any song you want - i definitely recommend it.

the photos page i added is pretty cool - you can post comments on the photos and download the photos and blah blah blah - check it out fucker - My Photos

does anyone know of a job i could do where i just surf the internet and flirt with young boys? i mean girls 18-75?
my job bores me...i'm in a playful mood for a guy that can't catch his breath.

longing for july 1...

love, gregg

Sunday, May 15, 2005

sleepy california

good morning darling,

i'm writing to tell you that after watching "big fish" i'm even more confused on where and what i want to be in the future. i'm not sure if i want to stay in california or move back home to massachusetts. i love the weather, the beaches, the sunsets, the mexican food & the pretty girl.
i miss the familiarality of home, my family, my friends, driving through the suburbs, the atmosphere, the spring, the autumn, the summer, and even a little bit of winter...the reason "big fish" made me think about all of this isn't something totally out of the blue. moving back crosses my mind quite often...i don't feel like this is the place i am to live and die for the rest of my life...maybe i'll change my mind in the future but as of right now i don't feel that way. i barely even go out at all here - it's not like i was a party animal in massachusetts but at least i knew where to go for fun - here i am like a tiger in captivity (see you thought i was going to say "like a fish out of water"

darling, please write and lead me in the right direction.

gregory shane o'connell

Saturday, May 14, 2005

nothing's colder than ice

dear rich boys and poor girls,

lets have fun with this one - lets post random thoughts & song lyrics and try to figure out which is which - fun huh!

i'm so hot for the rich girl.
jesus don't touch my baby.
the world would be better if we all just chewed some gum.
in the heat of the moment we're all sweaty pigs.

ok i'm done with that.

my new old favorite flavor of gum is dentyne ice vanilla chill.
my stomach hurts right stomach always hurts, sometimes.

if you have an mp3 player that plays windows media mp3's or if you just like to listen to music on your computer definitely download and subscribe to yahoo's new music service. it's only $4.99/month if you signup for a year or $6.99/month if you pay monthly. you can download all the music for just that low monthly amount - only catch is once you stop paying the music is dead. checkout it anyway its free for 7 days - yahoo music unlimited

if i made a mix cd for this weekend this is which songs would be on it.

stars - elevator love song
the raveonettes - red tan
the raveonettes - love in a trashcan
good charlotte - we believe (i just lost all indie cred huh dave)
the dears - lost in the plot
system of a down - b.y.o.b.
bloc party - banquet (dance remix)
flaming lips - seven nation army (cover)
brazilian girls - don't stop
ryan adams - friends
the postal service - be still my heart (remix)
patrick wolf - tristan

working for joy,

and you thought i didn't go to the beach without my cellphone!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Monday, May 09, 2005

my new identity

hi soldiers of misfortune,

i'm going to breakdown myself into a list of whats new.

*my tv exploded. it lived for 7 years and then burned its insides somehow so i am now without a tv. if you'd like to help me get a new tv send some paypal to

*erica is back from vermont.

*zdenek and cathy still don't speak to shane and kelly..

*my friend started a blog and deleted it all in a matter of 3 days.

*g moved into the new place and the move went smoothe

*i love jamba juice - too bad they arent on the east coast

*dave is well and alive in the smallest state in the union rhode island.

*my favorite songs of the week are: brazilian girls - don't stop & tammy wynette - stand by your man

*i ate spaghetti tonight with butter and grated cheese (i made it)

*itunes 4.8 was released today

*i saw "a lot like love" this past weekend it was good but not as good as "fever pitch"

*i watched "united states of leland" and "about schmidt" on dvd both were really good flix and will make you question life and what its all about.

*ryan adams released "cold roses" its ok so far - i dig it.

im off.

hopelessly hoping.
you're only a musician if people listen to your music otherwise your just an apsiring musician.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005