Saturday, May 21, 2005

questions asked and answered

what is your dream? my dream when i was 12 years old was to play basketball professionally. i played basketball everyday - i was one of the best at my school. when i started to go through puberty at 13 i also started to listen music. one of the first tapes i ever bought was nirvana - in utero. it was hearing that album that made me decide i wanted to know everything about kurt cobain and nirvana. i bought every cd they had, every tshirt, poster and bootleg i could find - i was obsessed. nirvana is the reason i learned to play guitar. my dream from 13 til pretty much now has been to become a rock star. when i was in my teens i wanted to be in the biggest band in the world - now i just want to be in a band/play music where i can make a living off of it. the thing is i dont want to tour 365 days a year every year. i'd like to tour a good chunk of the year and put an album out every year so and have a small fan base. the dream of becoming a rock star is just as obserd sometimes as being a pro basketball player. we think our music great and awesome just like over other band does but we can't get people to come to our shows and we can't sell albums. i hate selling myself band to people - its feels sleazy. i don't mind telling people im in a band. so my dream is to become a medium sized rock star, put albums out, have any and all toys i want, have a couple of dogs, give money and support to non-kill animal shelters, and die at the age of 175 years old.

why did u move in the first place? Was it the job...or the band...what does your heart say?
i moved inititally b/c i was working a job that i was sick of and i knew if i didn't do something drastic that i would stay in that job and be miserable..haha sound familiar? the job i was working was for a autoparts dealer in their accounts payable dept. (haha guess what my job is now???) they kept giving more and more work and i kept asking for more money and they never came through. so one day they gave me more work and i just walked out and left a note saying that i had quit. i called erica on my drive home and said "i need to move, i just quit my job... i'm so sick of it..our band is doing anything here and i want to move somewhere far away. i mentioned conneticut, north carolina, florida...we then got dave our drummer into the mix and asked him...both of them shot down all of the states i mentioned...erica who has always wanted to move to california mentioned what else "california" i said ok how about san diego..and she said what about LA...i said well we know our friend laurie lives in san diego and she says its we decided on san job ended up calling me back and i told them i'd come back for 2 months but then i'm moving 2 months by and we the predicates head off on a 6 day journey across america to san diego, ca. so yes i followed my heart, now is my heart still in the same place? yes and no...yes b/c i'd still like to experience more of california its just hard for to make friends since i'm kinda of a hermet...since i don't go out much...
no b/c i'd like to be back east sometimes...i miss alotta things about massachusetts but not enough to move back at this time in my life...

Do you wanna try to grab and go forward into an unknown...or do you want to sink back into familiarity...? i want head into the unknown - i feel like i want alot of change right now im life. other than the scenery and lack of friends...i have the same job basically here as i did in massachusetts and erica is again working 2 jobs just to be able to pay her bills..its like playing the same song over and over but in a different club - it gets boring after a while even though you are playing in a different place. the unknown for me would be to quit my job and get a job that just pays the bills and nothing else..and try like hell and sell my band to everyone and their mother...


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