Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Writing to reach you

dear baby girl,

i just signed up for a gym membership at 24. i figure its about time i start and continue a workout routine that will establish me with a hot body instead of a body only a mother could love. the throwing up only gets you so far...=P

work this week has been ok so far. i am really glad its a 3 day weekend this week...i'm probably going to do laundry which i was supposed to do yesterday but got too busy and it seems i will remain busy the rest of the week. i am getting tickets to street scene this thursday. street scene is gonna be so phat. checkout the lineup

if i ever get murdered check my blog for clues - crazy story
and here is what he wrote in the blog entry - read here

facts for the week:
*my mom is getting a verizon cell phone tomorrow
*my dog needs to be groomed (if you know of a good one in SD let a brotha know)
*the warehouse at my work is singing "taco bell" religiously
*my heart rate on the bike was 122 - my friend said it should be 160 (i'd be in good shape for a dead guy)

til the next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you're all of a sudden a busy guy. your last blog seemed like you were giving up, but i'm glad you're being proactive and trying to make the most of san diego. mass will always be there. it doesn't miss you yet.