Wednesday, May 18, 2005

No rings on these fingers

good evening Jesus,

i'm having too much fun sharing my photos.
i posted a album of photos of girls i've dated in my past. haha pretty funny shit. if i dated you please send me your photo and you too can be an ex-gf on my website.

does anyone feel flawless with there innerself? i sure don't i've heard too many times of my faults but are they true God? I sure hope God is real cause if he isn't then life is kinda fuckin weird...i need somewhere to go after i die and i ain't talking about hell. I want to be somewhere with all the animals i've had in life, family & friends and just shoot the shit..who's with me on this one?

this blog is getting a bit uhh unorganized...i can't keep a straight thought...i'm 0n fire.

facts about today

*erica and i got in a fight this morning and afternoon over basically nothing
*i had lunch with lissa
*i talked to my mom for 1 minute
*i went for a walk with the dogs and erica after work
*i watched elephant - it was alright - a bit depressing but what else can you expect from an indie film
*i'm more fucked than previously thought

unless i write tomorrow - please remember to remind me to write in my blog again.

almost over & out,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH Lazy-One,

I need you to do me a favor. Check your email. I've sent out emails to several people who have claimed not to get them or have gotten absolutly no response from. I sent you one today and PLEASE reply, it is important that I know my emails are or are not getting out there correctly. If it didn't get to you, or these other people, it means I risk losing touch with a friend or two that I don't hear from too often. Thank you Gregg.

The Mailroom Administrator. You know who I am.