Sunday, May 15, 2005

sleepy california

good morning darling,

i'm writing to tell you that after watching "big fish" i'm even more confused on where and what i want to be in the future. i'm not sure if i want to stay in california or move back home to massachusetts. i love the weather, the beaches, the sunsets, the mexican food & the pretty girl.
i miss the familiarality of home, my family, my friends, driving through the suburbs, the atmosphere, the spring, the autumn, the summer, and even a little bit of winter...the reason "big fish" made me think about all of this isn't something totally out of the blue. moving back crosses my mind quite often...i don't feel like this is the place i am to live and die for the rest of my life...maybe i'll change my mind in the future but as of right now i don't feel that way. i barely even go out at all here - it's not like i was a party animal in massachusetts but at least i knew where to go for fun - here i am like a tiger in captivity (see you thought i was going to say "like a fish out of water"

darling, please write and lead me in the right direction.

gregory shane o'connell


Anonymous said...

no comment.....

Anonymous said...

you have to do what's right for you. maybe the pretty girl would go with you, if you asked her.

Anonymous said...

maybe the pretty girl is the answer to my riddle

at last i have awaken

Gregg O'Connell said...

you're so profound with the your face...damn it show your face

Anonymous said...

Hey's mari...
what is your dream...why did u move in the first place? Was it the job...or the band...what does your heart say? Do you wanna try to grab and go forward into an unknown...or do you want to sink back into familiarity...? u guys have a great band...Don't give up...
we must chat when we come back ( 6 weeks hon!!!)

xoxox mari