Tuesday, May 17, 2005

geezers need excitement

good day mate.

back from my deep blue ocean of depression haha j/k i wasn't depressed so lets not all start writing me emails asking if i was on a 24 hour suicide watch cause that comes much later in this story..haha again just kidding with the suicide shit i'm too scared to die anyway.

ok i updated my links section if you look over to the right. i added a photos page and a link to the yahoo music unlimited. i've been messing around with the yahoo music unlimited and i totally dig it. it not only provides you with your own customized radio station the plays only bands that you like in cd quality but you can also download any song you want - i definitely recommend it.

the photos page i added is pretty cool - you can post comments on the photos and download the photos and blah blah blah - check it out fucker - My Photos

does anyone know of a job i could do where i just surf the internet and flirt with young boys? i mean girls 18-75?
my job bores me...i'm in a playful mood for a guy that can't catch his breath.

longing for july 1...

love, gregg


Anonymous said...

dude, 'sup with the f bomb? and long for the moment, not just july 1st.

Anonymous said...

what happens on july 1st?

Gregg O'Connell said...

its the end of the fiscal year duh!

Anonymous said...

so are you moving, or what?

Gregg O'Connell said...

i'll move as soon as you stop asking...let a brotha mature in the california sun a bit longer.