Wednesday, July 06, 2005

day 1 at the new job

hello sexy & unsexy people,

today was the first day at my new job and by the looks of it, it's not looking to good. first off the work is really really boring...alot of paperwork, sitting face down at the desk, etc...second off the people that work there work 10-11 hour days everyday and some saturdays - yuck! i'm kinda in a hole b/c i need a job to pay bills and such but i feel like this job is going to make me the most unhappy massachusetts transplant ever. i hate it when a job becomes your life when you don't really care for the job. i never let the job i work become my life its depressing when it does. its like let me work 11 hours today then when i get home i'll eat, go to bed and do the samething the next day. that freakin blows big blue balls!!! i need a job where i can interact with people, not sit at a desk all day, surf the net, flirt with the girls in the office, listen to music, not work weekends, leave before the sun goes down in the winter & make some decent cheddar (thats rapper slang for money)
if you know of this job email me immediately .

on a lighter note my podcast is in the top 10 for most downloaded at this website i thought that was pretty cool.

don't move, please stay.

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