Batman Begins (2005)
I went to the movies last night with my friend joy. She got us both in for free because she had - now listen to this - movie passes from 1998!!! We went to the 10:25pm showing. WARNING don't continue reading this if you are going to see this movie. I was really surprised how dark this movie was. The movie begins with how Bruce Wayne became Batman and they show the metamorphosis he goes through. After being born in Gotham his parents are killed when he is a child. He is raised in Gotham but once he becomes an adult he leaves Gotham to go to Asia where he ultimately learns to face his biggest fears and trains to be a ninja. Then the old story begins he comes back to Gotham to fight crime and save the day. The beginning was the biggest difference of any of the Batman films I've seen because they give the story of how Batman became Batman. There was a lot of action in the film and at times it was too quick to actually know what the hell was going on. There were a few cheesy lines in reference to his "Batmobile" in the film - really cliche stuff which I can't remember any of the lines of course.
The acting was good I really liked Christian Bale as Batman - I don't know if he was as good as Michael Keaton but he was good. Michael Caine who played the butler was terrific and Liam Neeson who played the bad guy was also very good. Overall the movie had an awesome beginning because of the background story then it just got pretty Batman cliche which I know its supposed to - So I give it a B. Would I recommend it? Yes
Should you wait for it on DVD? Yes, unless you have movie passes.
I really want to go see Wedding Crashers next- so if you have free movie passes or want to pay for me I will go with you - holla!
P.S. Dear Joy - Gene Wilder who is 73 years old is alive and breathing and is actually doing a voice for a movie in production called Instant Karma.
much love,
Dude! Did you have to give away the movie passes' age?! It looked so awful in type. Dang! Me = embarrassed. oh, you just wait for my pbr post! :P
Thanks for the Gene Wilder info. :P
PS: Did you hear that MySpace was bought by the Fox News guy... Rupert Murdoch! Yikes Dear, time to abandon ship!
Ya I heard the bad news of Fox buying nothing good can ever stay independent everyones out to make a quick dollar. if someone wanted to buy for millions i think i'd sell =).
haha you mean the 7 year old movie passes?!?!? too funny
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