Now I know what adults meant when they said being in school is the best time of your life. Working sucks - the responsibility, the bills, the headaches, the politics & the catty biotches. My vacation ends tomorrow as I start my new job. The hours are pretty damn good 7:00-3:30pm - I'm going to try and see if I can work 6:30-3:00, that way I can enjoy my sweaty intensley hot humid house before the sun goes down. A full report of my first work day may be on my website tomorrow but might not it depends cause its my friends birthday and I'm going to a show.
I can't fall asleep lately - I've been staying up until like 2:30am the last couple of nights. I should probably not work out before I go to's making me too hyper! Maybe I'll watch a movie before I go to bed b/c movie's always make me sleepy unless I have a pretty young lady next to me and then I'm...well you know...the other thing =P
I'm going to get my haircut in a few hours - the hairdresser that cut my hair the last time was this mexican girl. She was smokin cigarettes! haha j/k she was smokin hot! It's funny how hairdressers flirt with you to try and get an extra dollar or two. It's like they are performing a service to your hair and it feels good and makes you look good (usually) which is basically what a stripper does for you. The stripper makes your head (haha) feel good & makes you look good b/c most of the time the guys there are old, lonely & fat. Mom I've only been to the strip club once I swear!!!
honestly speaking,
I bought vitamins today "One A Day Men's" they are supposed to be good for a healthy heart and Colon!
Oh! Don't forget to buy vitamins!!
I bought some! I edited my post :)
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