Tuesday, July 05, 2005

the party is over...

hello sammy davis jr. fans & nat king cole fans,

I took a nice long nap today. when I awoke I had 6 voicemails. one of the voicemails was a call to announce that the party I was having of not working is now over. I officially have a job starting tomorrow. I had a good run - I hadn't worked from june 8 til july 5 - but all good things must come to an end. cliche as it may sound but it is true. let's mark down all the fun things I did and new people I met during this stretch. my cousin kevin and his friend brian came and we went to the museums, sea world, a lan party, and played videogames. my buddy steve came out and we went on the town almost every other night just hanging, eating, talking & playing music. I met two really cool girls. the first girl I met was joy. joy is a cool, pretty, smart indie girl with great taste style. I attended the maximo park show with her and we speak through email every so often. the other girl I met was birka. birka is a school teacher - she's got a energetic personality, pretty & interesting. we went to see "war of the worlds" & my friends band marizen. I started my radio show/podcast and that's been doing really well. i've had over 200 people download my first two shows. I booked 3 new shows for my band the predicates. also not working actually changed my mind on leaving san diego and going back to massachusetts. it allowed me alot of time to think about what I should do and what I really want to do and leaving is not in my plans for the foreseeable future.

stay well and make sure to get your pets spayed and neutered.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on the employment Gregg! :D And I'm glad you're sticking around SD. We could use more rad people like you around these parts.

BTW, you should be receiving mail from me tomorrow.

Oh, real mail -- not e-mail. :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

oh sweet i love snail mail.

thanks for the compliment =)