Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Friday, January 27, 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006

Weekend Update (Audio) Belly Up, Drunkeness, The Family Stone & Writing

One Crazy weekend! One Fun weekend! I'm a party animal foooooor real!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

200 Posts + NEW LAPTOP

200 Posts came faster than 100. I'm a blogging machine with the vocabulary skills of an 11 year old and the sex appeal of a young Tom Hanks! I just wanted to congradulate myself on a wonderful job....

My laptop is a sexy, sleak machine made of silver and illuminating blue and purple lights.
I'm going to post photos of me in my element with my new girlfriend I mean laptop.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gone Deer Hunting

I'm still alive guys I'm just getting away from my usual-ness so that I can come back to you refreshed, hot & sweaty! I'm involving myself into the open mic scene here in San Diego. Lately I've been playing Twiggs, Hot Java & Blarney Stone. I'm going to go solo for sure I'm using the name Gregory Shane. If you click my name it'll bring you to my MySpace page and you can listen to some of my solo demo stuff. It's pretty fucking good! My mom said its the best music she's ever heard!

Dude a couple of people are coming out here that I'm pretty excited to see. First my friend Jenn is coming here from February 9-14. She's got a smokin' body and she likes to smoke cigarettes!

My mom is visiting February 28-March 10 - We're going to do so many things like Disneyland, SeaWorld, SD Zoo etc...I haven't seen her in over a year! Fuckin crazy huh?!

I ordered a new laptop from HSN.com. I'm really addicted to watching the shopping channels on TV. It's like I can't take my eyes off what they are selling. I love watching them sell food and electronics. Probably because those are two of my most favorite things in life. Plus the ladies that sell the stuff are generally hot 30 somethings with perfect skin that you just want to cut off and eat with a nice side salad.

I'm home right now so fuckin call me and leave me a voicemail 619-377-0593!
I've been waiting for some lovely comments or people in need of help!

gregory shane

Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday, January 13, 2006

Are you Top 8 MySpace Material?!?!

You have 119 friends








Dfab - I've known him for a bit of time now since living in SD. I record with him and we have random sex without condoms or birth control! www.dfab020.com

PK - I met him while working a Go Girls Music Fest benefit. We now are wicked good open mic companions and we're often seen frequenting San Diego's finest coffeehouse establishments.

Jackie - I met her through PK @ an open mic I played with them. She's a super cool talented pretty girl! Everyone knows I love myself a pretty person! Inside and out! She's also has a very prominent role in society as she teaches America's youth the art of being a pianist!

Jenn - I used to work with her in Milford, MA. I've only recently found her on MySpace. She's a pretty natural blonde with a thirst for knowledge! She also loves to shovel snow in the winter and give comments on profiles on MySpace!

Stephanie - I met her through the job I work now. She's only 20 but she has the heart of a lion and the curiosity of a young Ron Weasley. God bless her soul and The Rock she prays at!

Maureen -I used to work with her back in Milford, MA and we never really did anything together except random phone sex and touching around the pubic areas...haha j/k I'm gay remember! nosa I'm straight for real...

Erica - Find this girl a MySpace indie rawk boyfriend! She's easily one of the nicest people in the world and she'll still go to heaven even though she may not pray to the man upstairs and his wife and kid. She and I were also once romantic for a bit of time in the past. I bought her some roses and she bought me Xbox. How sweet love is!

Sesman - The man I grew 10X closer to after we stood in line 17 hours for Xbox 360! Our passion for the love of videogames has driven us closer than ever before and who's to say we won't be man and man someday?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Electronics vs. Me vs Meditation

I've been having some bad luck with my electronics this past week. Ok I have this external hardrive for my computer that has all my music I've ever written, it also contains my massive mp3 collection of music, some random videos and my pornos. I was using it one morning before work and it was working fine. I get home from work and try to load up some music so I can dance around in my bedroom and it says music cannot be found. So I totally start troubleshooting the damn thing: I turn it off, I unplug it and plug it back in, I try different cables, I even thought it might be the card I plug it into on my computer but its not that b/c my ipod works through the card. So there is a good freakin' chance I've lost my life of music demos forever. I'm going to try one more thing before I basically give up. I'm going to open up the drive and take it out of the case and try putting inside my computer and plugging it in. I can also pay a lot a lot of money to a data recovery service to get the information back for me. I'll be trying all of those options this weekend! Pray for me cause I need a little bit of Godliness in me!

I've been thinking of trying meditation. It not only makes you relaxed and more aware of your inner self but it also makes you smarter! I need to get a little smarter and more relaxed. I've been too fuckin hyper and stupid for too long. It's time for a change for the guards to be let down and let the angels swing into my soul one angel at a time until my inner being is filled with a peace so sweet that I melt away in a foggy haze of illusion.

I'm really tired. I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep the last two nights cause I'm stupid ass and I'm afraid the internet world will pass me away one email at a time.

singing in my sleep,

Monday, January 09, 2006

Weekend Update (Audio) - Miss Jackie, Hot Java, PK, Tower 23 & More!

This weekend was a fantastic weekend! I met a lot of cool new people! I'm such the go outside kinda guy it amazes me sometimes. I went to two places I've never been before Tower 23 in PB & Cass Street Bar and Grill. Listen to my weekend cause it was loads of fun and you'll enjoy it just as much!

this is an audio post - click to play

P.S. checkout the photoset from open mic on Sunday


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Good Quotes

I've heard some really sweet quotes this week. I won't ever reveal my sources (unless you ask)

"I don't try hard I just do it" - This should definitely be Viagra's next ad slogan!

"Maybe I want to enjoy an adult beverage while I watch my 56' TV" - ok I'll reveal my source on this one because the show I saw it on sanitizes themselves so much! I saw it on ShopNBC. They don't want to alienate a soul...that's so nice of them.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Star Tribune Wants To Interview Me!

Erica from The Tipsy Chicks/Spatcast emailed me today and said "I hope you don't mind but I gave your email address to a reporter from the Star Tribune who is writing an article on the Xbox 360 launch and the lack of consoles available." and I said oh thats cool. Well the reporter emailed me today and I called his phone # but he didn't pick up so I emailed him back asking which time is the best time to call him. It seems as though he wants to see how it was waiting in line 17 hours for 360 and if I think Microsoft is delibrately causing a shortage in order to create hype.

If he does interview me and it goes in the paper I will definitely be posting the article on my site for all of you Gregg-a-holics to read!

ta ta ta,

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

San Diego: The House of Boring Pizza

Let's face it the pizza in San Diego doesn't compare with the pizza on the east coast! San Diegans don't even seem to eat pizza. Whether you are at a party or with a friend pizza as a quick meal seldomly comes up. It's all about the Mexican food here and its to the point where the folks that live in San Diego seem to have forgotten about America's beloved greasy cheesy doughy indulgence! Back in my hometown of Brockton, MA they have this incredibly delicious tasty pizza place called "Cape Cod Pizza" ahhhh I would kill for just one little pizza from there. The pizza's from there are really greasy but damn do they taste good. If I eat like 4 pieces man do I get a bad stomach ache afterwards but it's so worth it! I've never wanted to have a stomach ache so bad in my life! I'm kind of sound like a fat kid who's dieing for a pastry treat from the bakery. I guess I can relate to the fat kid because I'm a fat kid inside my tiny little 13 year old girl frame of a body.

Let's get back to why I'm writing this - what if...what if I start my own pizza shop? Yes I'm a dreamer and yes I can barely make boxed pasta and canned spaghetti sauce but how hard can pizza making be? I'll hire some dudes from Papa John's and have them make me some damn pizza's! I'll steal the recipe for my pizza's from Cape Cod Pizza or maybe I can see if I can buy it with money I don't have so I can open a pizza shop here in San Diego that actually offers some freakin' good pizza for a change!

Screw it I'll just stick with Papa John's & Pizza Hut...unless you have some suggestions!

Missing Good East Coast Pizza While in San Diego,


Monday, January 02, 2006

Weekend Update (Audio) - New Year's, Filipinos, & Harry Potter

Happy New Year 2006! I not only saw Harry Potter Goblet of Fire but I also saw a family of Filipinos in their natural habitat! It was an exciting fun packed New Year's weekend!

this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy 2006 Poem!

Now that it's 2006
you should all try to fix
your problems with a mix
of gregg o'connell & black dicks

gregg sure is the cure to all
its like shopping for girls at the mall

believe in him its all you can
he's the truest and you're a fan

he's so rich in his own life
he's steal your kids and your wife

he'll even beat you in basketball
he'll dribble left and score with your boyfriend Paul

he's got no shame and he's quite a catch
it's Gregg O'Connell you mutha fuckin Biotch!

Boo-Yah! Happy 2006!



Did anyone get any kisses at New Years? I didn't...I was way to cute for everyone at the party!