Friday, January 13, 2006

Are you Top 8 MySpace Material?!?!

You have 119 friends








Dfab - I've known him for a bit of time now since living in SD. I record with him and we have random sex without condoms or birth control!

PK - I met him while working a Go Girls Music Fest benefit. We now are wicked good open mic companions and we're often seen frequenting San Diego's finest coffeehouse establishments.

Jackie - I met her through PK @ an open mic I played with them. She's a super cool talented pretty girl! Everyone knows I love myself a pretty person! Inside and out! She's also has a very prominent role in society as she teaches America's youth the art of being a pianist!

Jenn - I used to work with her in Milford, MA. I've only recently found her on MySpace. She's a pretty natural blonde with a thirst for knowledge! She also loves to shovel snow in the winter and give comments on profiles on MySpace!

Stephanie - I met her through the job I work now. She's only 20 but she has the heart of a lion and the curiosity of a young Ron Weasley. God bless her soul and The Rock she prays at!

Maureen -I used to work with her back in Milford, MA and we never really did anything together except random phone sex and touching around the pubic areas...haha j/k I'm gay remember! nosa I'm straight for real...

Erica - Find this girl a MySpace indie rawk boyfriend! She's easily one of the nicest people in the world and she'll still go to heaven even though she may not pray to the man upstairs and his wife and kid. She and I were also once romantic for a bit of time in the past. I bought her some roses and she bought me Xbox. How sweet love is!

Sesman - The man I grew 10X closer to after we stood in line 17 hours for Xbox 360! Our passion for the love of videogames has driven us closer than ever before and who's to say we won't be man and man someday?


Anonymous said...

Good to know friends!!

Gregg O'Connell said...

its good to know people period.

Erica Ann Putis said...

You leave comments on everyone's myspace page but mine!! I guess it's ok though. I'll just cry in my room later...


Anonymous said...

Hey are things? I live alone now, you should come and help me christen my new place ;)That would be dirty hot. Ha! Call me rawk star.

Gregg O'Connell said...

erica: are the jealous type huh?

michelle: nice congrats on the new place..ill bring my boxers and black socks!