Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Star Tribune Wants To Interview Me!

Erica from The Tipsy Chicks/Spatcast emailed me today and said "I hope you don't mind but I gave your email address to a reporter from the Star Tribune who is writing an article on the Xbox 360 launch and the lack of consoles available." and I said oh thats cool. Well the reporter emailed me today and I called his phone # but he didn't pick up so I emailed him back asking which time is the best time to call him. It seems as though he wants to see how it was waiting in line 17 hours for 360 and if I think Microsoft is delibrately causing a shortage in order to create hype.

If he does interview me and it goes in the paper I will definitely be posting the article on my site for all of you Gregg-a-holics to read!

ta ta ta,


zdenek55 said...

bro i dont even know what youre taling about?

Erica Ann Putis said...

I love Z pic. It makes him look way indie... Haha...


Gregg O'Connell said...

erica i'm the original indie boy cutedpwb

Anonymous said...

Rawr. Xbox is so sexy.