Tuesday, January 03, 2006

San Diego: The House of Boring Pizza

Let's face it the pizza in San Diego doesn't compare with the pizza on the east coast! San Diegans don't even seem to eat pizza. Whether you are at a party or with a friend pizza as a quick meal seldomly comes up. It's all about the Mexican food here and its to the point where the folks that live in San Diego seem to have forgotten about America's beloved greasy cheesy doughy indulgence! Back in my hometown of Brockton, MA they have this incredibly delicious tasty pizza place called "Cape Cod Pizza" ahhhh I would kill for just one little pizza from there. The pizza's from there are really greasy but damn do they taste good. If I eat like 4 pieces man do I get a bad stomach ache afterwards but it's so worth it! I've never wanted to have a stomach ache so bad in my life! I'm kind of sound like a fat kid who's dieing for a pastry treat from the bakery. I guess I can relate to the fat kid because I'm a fat kid inside my tiny little 13 year old girl frame of a body.

Let's get back to why I'm writing this - what if...what if I start my own pizza shop? Yes I'm a dreamer and yes I can barely make boxed pasta and canned spaghetti sauce but how hard can pizza making be? I'll hire some dudes from Papa John's and have them make me some damn pizza's! I'll steal the recipe for my pizza's from Cape Cod Pizza or maybe I can see if I can buy it with money I don't have so I can open a pizza shop here in San Diego that actually offers some freakin' good pizza for a change!

Screw it I'll just stick with Papa John's & Pizza Hut...unless you have some suggestions!

Missing Good East Coast Pizza While in San Diego,



Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly agree! You, sir, are brilliant!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you can say that again

Anonymous said...

You, sir, are brilliant!

Gregg O'Connell said...

more compliments please it makes me feel good

steve lamontagne said...

Cheers mate you- at least you get mexicain grub- the food down here- pizza blows chunks-dough garbage and mexicain- good luck think theres onlt 3 cains in the country-any who mail me a slice of papa joyns and a burito and I will ove u for ever

Cheers Mate

Gregg O'Connell said...

instead of 3 tins ill mail you 3 slices!

Anonymous said...

mmm...we are ordering Papa Ginos tomorrow night. Hey do you have a Chevys there?

Gregg O'Connell said...

ya we got chevy's and taco bell!

Anonymous said...

Bronx Pizza on Washington. Enough said.

Gregg O'Connell said...

where's Washington st in san diego?

Anonymous said...

hey have you ever tried Pizza Port? Not as good as Tomatoe Pie (if you've been to Jersey you know what that is :) but it's much better than Pizza Hut and PapaJ

Gregg O'Connell said...

Nicole I havent tried pizza port..would you be interested at all in getting me a pizza from there? your treat...

Anonymous said...

Well if I still lived in Carlsbad I would hook you up with a pizza, but as of last year I no longer live in southern californian. I'll be back, but not until the housing market goes down or my paycheck goes up!

Give it a try..it's a brew house too.

I like your site btw. I found on google video...your dancing to gold digger :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

Nicole shoot me an email gregg@greggoconnell.com and we'll chat more one on one aiiiight!