Saturday, January 21, 2006

200 Posts + NEW LAPTOP

200 Posts came faster than 100. I'm a blogging machine with the vocabulary skills of an 11 year old and the sex appeal of a young Tom Hanks! I just wanted to congradulate myself on a wonderful job....

My laptop is a sexy, sleak machine made of silver and illuminating blue and purple lights.
I'm going to post photos of me in my element with my new girlfriend I mean laptop.



zdenek55 said...


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see xxx photos of your laptop.


Anonymous said...

eewwwy Tom Hanks? least give us someone sane & beautiful like Jake Gyllenhaal

Gregg O'Connell said...

zdenek its called ebonix spelling

esther ill include my penis in a couple of the photos next to my laptop to show how small my laptop really is.

anonymous ya tom hanks! hairy, really white and funny

Anonymous said...

Doing a great job!!

zdenek55 said...
