Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Interview #1 with HermanTheGreat + Welcome Back to School

This is my newest creation. I am going to interview people over the phone and ask them ridiculous questions without them knowing I am actually interviewing them.

My first interview is with Mr. Dave Tuetken aka HermanTheGreat. He didn't know exactly what was going on but he was kind of catching on. We spoke about everything from laughs, to coughs to applebees to his dad!

Download my first interview here

you could be next!?!?!

A Song to all School Kids!!!
download my Welcome Back to School anthem. My buddy Zdenek and I wrote this and performed it in 2001.


Sunday, August 28, 2005

San Diego: I Like The Weather but The People Suck!

Dear Deer,

I'm down to my last straw with the city of San Diego. I've never met so many people in a place that either don't return emails, phone calls or break plans. I think I'm done trying to be social in San Diego; it gets me no where and makes me look like a stupid desperate dude with a big penis! (haha) I'll just stick to hanging out with my roomate Erica and to when family and friends visit. Erica will always hang when she isn't working. The only problem with her is she is my exgf so that sucks! I'd move back to Massachusetts in a heartbeat but I love making and playing music with Erica and I'd miss Erica's dog Stowie like mad! I have set a last straw for San Diego and that is if for whatever reason the job I am working at now does not work out I am giving up on San diego and moving back to the east coast. I'm not very "California" anyway: the beach is ok but I can't swim and definitely can't surf, I hate the mountains (scary) and desert (hot and boring). I'm also pushing to move back to because Erica and I need a "real break up" We broke up but continued living with one another. I feel like I need a complete change socially and just my life in general. I'm ready to start "new" in my life. So Massachusetts you better ready cause I'm coming back! (maybe)

My brother is getting married in June 2006 I found out the other day to his long time girlfriend Jessica. I guess I am the best man - well that's what Jessica said..I don't even know what a best man does?!?! I'll have to ask my mom!

For your listening pleasure I recorded a version with some modified lyrics and melody of a song in spanish that deals with "kittens"
download here


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Sun Always Shines on TV

google talk came out! It's an instant messeaging program that is simple and the voice chat is the clearest I've ever heard and has no delay at all. you need gmail so email me greggoconnell@gmail.com if you want an invite.

I built my friends (aka the former drummer for The Predicates) bands website. They call themselves HermanTheGreat.

My band The Predicates recorded another song with D-Fab last week. We finished the guitar and my vocals for "We Want What We Know" It's a song about a boy and a girl that like each other but they know its the end of the relationship and they are having a tough time moving on from it. They know what the right thing to do is but caan't push themselves to move on because its too scary. The other song we recorded with him "Credit Card vs. Rent"
is about being super happy in love and not having anything financially but still proposing. Not worrying about anything else in life except the other person. Probably one of the happiest songs I've ever written.

I've gosta go to bed kid! it's freaking late and I need to wake up at 5:15am - oh ya everyone @ TIG hello and welcome to my website!


2 wicked funny photos a guy did he and I that is obsessed with me! haha
photo 1
photo 2

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Podcast Show #8

The unknown bands podcast!

Direct Download

1. Fooled By April - Come In, Chicago (www.fooledbyapril.com)
2. The Predicates - While You're Around (www.thepredicates.com)
3. Parting Glance - Everyone Else (www.partingglance.com)
4. Marizen - I Want You (www.marizen.com)
5. D-Fab (featuring Erica Putis) - Stream It (www.dfab020.com)

email me any mp3's if you are in an unknown band to goindiecast@gmail.com


Saturday, August 20, 2005

The 40 Year-Old Virgin

I attended the movies last night with my good friend Lissa. We went to see The 40 Year Old Virgin. This movie is by far the funniest film I've seen in 2005. The lead actor Steve Carell is the videogame playing, action figurine collecting, bad with the ladies nerd that we have met in our lives tens of times over. The basic premise of the story is Andy who is played by Steve Carell, his friends are trying to help him get laid. Andy decides to go with his insticts and choose what he feels is best for him. The supporting actors did nothing to overshadow or take away from Steve Carell's masterpiece of a performance and merely complimented his fine art. I definitely recommend this film to everyone especially the 20 and older audiences, it is totally worth the $9.50 for admission.

4.5 out of 5 stars


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Love Gay Bars

Here is my rendition of I Love This Bar by Toby Keith - download Toby Keith's version

"I Love Gay Bars"
download my (Gregg O'Connell's) version

We got winners, we got losers, cock smokers and boozers

And we got yuppies, we got bikers, we got hot male hitchhikers

And the guys next door dress up like movie stars

Mm-m-m-m-m I love gay bars

We got cowboys, we got truckers, hairdressers and suckers

And we got hustlers, we got biters, hairless cocks and all nighters

And the queens talk all about their favorite stars

Mm-m-m-m-m I love gay bars·

I love gay bars, it's my kinda place

Just walking through the front door

Puts a big smile on my face

It ain't to far

Come as you are

Mm-m-m-m-m I love gay bars

I've seen tight jeans, we've got wet dreams

Blue collared boys make me scream

And we've got lovers, lots of lookers

Ive even seen dancing boys and male hookers

And we like to drink our cosmos with boys with nice cars

Mm-m-m-m-m I love gay bars, yes I do·

But I love gay bars, it's my kinda place

Just twirling around the dance floor puts a big smile on my face

No cover charge, come as you are

Mm-m-m-m-m I love gay bars

Mm-m-m-m-m I just love old gay bars

Monday, August 15, 2005

Riding The Ponys

Last Night I went to see The Ponys with Miss PinkBeltRAGE herself. We met up outside the Casbah at about 8:30pm - she was hungry and wanted to get something to eat and I was down for getting some dessert. The Casbah is like literally 3 mins from the Gaslamp but it took us 20 minutes to find it because Joy forgot to take her Focus Factor pills. We finally found the Gaslamp district and found a parking garage to park the 98 Civic. We walked around the block and found some sports bar with TV's on the outside playing the football game. Joy is a huge football fan I could barely get her attention away form the TV once we got in there (haha nosa) she hates sports. So we get into the restaurant and proceeded to wait like 17 minutes for a waitress to come to our table and see what we wanted. Joy got potatoe skins and 2 Cape Cods - We shared a peach/apple cobbler dessert and I got a Sprite.

After the restuarant we headed to the club. We sat and talked for a while about alot of crazy funny shit that I can divulge until The Occasions began to play. They sounded alot like classic rock and that bored me to death. Everytime Joy and I go to a show lately we see the same people its like a high school reunion or something its funny. We don't talk to these people but I think I'm going to talk to one or two of them next time I go to a show and they are there. We also are starting to see these random fat guys busting a move during the bands performances. It's wicked funny haha we die laughing. Everytime Joy tries to record a video of them dancing it doesn't come out because its so dark.
The Ponys were up next and at first I didn't really dig them but as the show went on I started to dig them. They have a really raw sound and they love to have their guitars feedback. They are from Chicago, IL and this was the last show on this leg of their tour.

After the bands were done we hung out in the bar by the pool tables and just talked more. Joy was a bit drunk from her two drinks so we needed to get her sobbered up so I stuck my finger down her throat so she would throw up..haha =P
We ended the night at about 2:00am. I was so freakin' tired this morning at work - I almost fell asleep so in order to wake up I went into the bathroom and did some major leg stretches and neck stretches.

Here are some photos I took from last night
Here some photos Joy took from last night

Fucking Love All of You,

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Happy 100th Entry !!!

Hey Dudes & Girls,

Who would've thought I'd make it to 100 entries in my blog? I wouldn't have thought so b/c I have such a short attention span. My very first post was on December 15. The entries got better from there (at least I hope they did) and now its time for the:

5 best posts of the first 100!

5. So many posts on the subject of me moving back to Massachusetts "Sleepy California" This one will do nicely on that subject.

4. The new love of my life "Podcasts"

3. My last day of being 24 years old how sad "My Last Day of 24" Good read if you are in your 20's. It'll change your life for sure!

2. The day my website changed my life in San Diego forever "Corporate America" I'm just glad karma has come around to bite back.

1. My most punk rawk moment of all-time "How Freakin Punk Rawk is That" This was also my busiest day of traffic to my website as well b/c practically everyone that worked where I was at found out about my website and was reading my story!

Noteable entries that are stupid/funny:
**My first and only audio blog entry - AudioBlogger entry
**Me dancing with a half nude girrllll - A Video of me Dancing
**indie rawk dancing - The Sexiest Dancer in San Diego
**Me as a cartoon - Gregg Rawking as a Cartoon

Thanks from the bottom of my aching heart for coming and supporting the greatest place in my world. You all get 15 karma points for visiting and 7.5 points per comment! Come back for the next 100 posts!

Peaceout peeps,

gregory shane o'connell

Friday, August 12, 2005

My foot Hurts...I hope it's not Cancer

Hey Phuckers!

At the end of work on Thursday the bottom of my foot near my heel started to hurt. It kinda felt like someone was stabbing me with a nice with each step I took. I was like the what the fuck could I have done to my foot while sitting on my ass all day at work. haha
So the pain persisted into the night and continued at our show that night. It's weird because when we actually played my foot didn't hurt at all - it's like I was full of adrenaline and my body was on a "natural high" cause we all know Gregg doesn't put any muthafuckin chemicals in his body. I'm cleaner than a teenage boy in summer. Well as today went on the pain has started to subside..This is a good sign and I do not think it is cancer anymore.

This is post 99!!! Post 100 is going to be a super big surprise ...My "greatest hits" so to speak on turning 100.

Couple things of note my band The Predicates first album is only $5 go freakin buy it - Dissin' Treez
My band also has t-shirts for sale on our webbie - thepredicates.com
Some new sets of photos to check out on my flickr: August 12 & August 7

ok I'm out see you at 100!

gregory shane o'connell

p.s. karma is a biotch

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Podcast Show #7

alotta new unreleased album stuff enjoy!

Direct Download


1. Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less (download video)
2. Nada Surf - In The Mirror
3. Stellastarr - Love and Longing
4. Tegan & Sarah - I Know I Know I Know
5. The New Pornographers - Streets of Fire
6. The Streets - Blinded by the Lights

NEXT PODCAST: If you are in a band or have a friend in one please send me a mp3 to goindiecast@gmail.com for consideration for the next podcast.

to buy any of these albums or anything else use this link to amazon to support my site



Sunday, August 07, 2005

Oh, Tennessee, My Tennessee

Two weeks ago my brother Tim moved to Tennessee with his girlfriend Jessica and their daughter Molly. Jessica's mother and step-dad, sisters, aunts and uncles live there. My brothers life has pretty much gone to shit since 2001. He got in trouble with drugs and since then he's pretty much lost everything from his car, to his music collection, stereos, TV's, you name it he pawned it! In 2002 he had Molly, so the responsibility of having a child, not being able to get a good job & trying to stay free of hardcore drugs has made his professional life sort of a difficult task. Fast forward to 2005 he is still in the same boat of having no money, no job/career and just nothing real exciting to look forward to. Jessica and he decided to move to Tennessee and make a new start. I spoke to my brother yesterday for the first time since he's been there. He said the closest McDonald's is 15 miles away, closest gas station 6 miles away, all the girls there are just that little teenage girls or overweight cigarette smokin woman, the guys are super skinny cigarette smokin rednecks. You want to know why they all smoke cigarettes? They all smoke cigarettes b/c they are $2.50/pack or $25/Carton - In Massachusetts cigarettes are $5/pack or $50/Carton. You can rent a 5 room house there for $350/month. You can live off of minimum wage there!!! He also says there are no jobs really.

I'm really sad to see my brothers life turn out the way it has. He is such an artistic/creative person. I remember him doing graffiti and drawing funny pictures when I was younger. He would always came up with really good funny catch phrases that I would ultimately steal and share with my friends as if I made them up. He got me into really good music ever since I was 13 Nirvana, Lemonheads, Billy Bragg, Dramarama, etc...I saw my first & best shows with him: Foo Fighters 1995 & Evan Dando 1998. He is the coolest person I've ever met in my life. Out of everyone I've ever met in life he has had the biggest influence over me. From the music I like, to the way I dress, to the words I say, to my ideals, everything. If I could give him one thing in life it would be a fresh start.

the song to where the title originates


p.s. coming up on 100 posts!!! I'm trying to think of something exciting to do - any ideas?
this is post #97 by the way.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Breaking out the Audio Archives

haha here are a couple of characters I made up...It's voices I came up with. I was only 23 and that was such a long time ago so be gentle.

Pino Grigio Lady

Pool Supplies Plus Man

peace my brothers and sisters,

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Sexiest Dancing Since Breakdancing

I've upped the anty on this dancing video...download here by right clicking and save as

right click photo and save target as

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Podcast Show #6

Direct download


1. Phoenix - Too Young (Zoot Woman Remix)
2. Royksopp - Someone Like Me
3. Sekiden - S-T-A-Y
4. Stars - What I'm Trying To Say
5. Cut Copy - Time Stands Still
6. Figurine - Stranger

If you are in a band or have a friend in one please send me a mp3 to goindiecast@gmail.com for consideration on a future podcast.

to buy any of these albums or anything else use this link to amazon to support my site

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pisces & Aquarius <-----> Pisces & Leo

I'm a Pisces, and I was born that way believe it or not. My birthday is March 6. My mom is also a Pisces her birthday is March 9. Growing up in the beautiful city of Brockton, MA (it's not really beautiful its quite run down) my best friend from 4th grade til 9th grade was Jason Rankin. Jason was an Aquarius. I had other friends during this time but Jason was by far the closest and best friend I had during this time. We shared almost all the same interests: sports, music, girls, movies etc...He was easy to talk to and cool to be around. Man haha this is starting to sound like I wish I had kissed him but relax relax I'm not gay nor do I wish I had kissed him. We stayed friends until 9th grade and that's when he changed a lot and went through this transformation of being a wild child and hanging with the wrong crowd. This is also the time I started having girlfriends on a regular basis. I didn't have another actual "guy" best friend until I was 19. I started working at Evergreen Investments and I met the man they call Zdenek Janda or as I like to call him Terry Honda. Zdenek (pronounced Sten-ik) is also an Aquarius. I'm starting to see that people that are Aquarius end up being very good friends with me. I feel this certain bond with them. They seem to understand me more than other signs (ok I don't sound gay but I sound like a fruitty old hippie). Here are some quotes from Milton Black's
site on the relationship between Pisces & Aquarius - "you have a wonderful friendship: you like each other, are tolerant of one another's failings, and tend to bring out the best in one another" also check this out
Pisces helps build Aquarius self-confidence and self-esteem tremendously. Aquarius enjoys Pisces' approval and appreciation, and feels that Pisces is a real friend and supporter. Moreover, you feel good in one another's company. Humor, fun, recreation, and play are a big part of your relationship."
Milton Black knows everything!!!

Lately I've been meeting Leo's a lot. The first Leo I met in San Diego is Lissa. She and I have a
very intense relationship - emotionally & mentally. Milton Black goes on to say "This relationship will always have a highly unstable, unpredictable tone, an electric quality that is exciting but not especially soothing or peaceful." and he also says which I find true There is a magnetic, rather intense attraction between you, and it is very likely that you will go through many intense challenges and emotionally powerful experiences together." This is quite accurate. I never know how things will go between she and I & I like that b/c I like things to stay the same but I also like things to change and evolve. The other Leo I met here in San Diego is my good friend Joy. My relationship with Joy is more stable but I also haven't known her for as long as I have Lissa. She does share the same sign traits as Lissa "Leo's basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Pisces is dreamy and moody. Leo has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre." haha it's pretty weird how we take on a lot of what our signs are isn't it??? I've been also telling Joy to do this "Pisces encourages Leo to participate in social groups and contribute to society in greater measure." haha..She should join the Big Sister's Program.

In closing if you are an Aquarius please hit me up with a friendship application - I'm waiting. As for you Leo's you make my life very fun, interesting and exciting so keep bringing it!


P.S. This may have been my worst blog entry of all-time.
holla if you hear me!

P.P.S I wrote a song for this entry download here.
here are the lyrics - it's a copy of Bad Moon Rising by CCR

i am a motherfuckin pisces
you are an aquarius
we are the very best of friends
and you cant ever take that away

so don't go out tonight
or ill go and take ur life
i'm the only friend you'll like

i am a motherfuckin pisces
you are leo
we are electric
and emotionally intense

so don't go out tonight
cause you know i like to cry
i am really alright