Last Night I went to see The Ponys with Miss PinkBeltRAGE herself. We met up outside the Casbah at about 8:30pm - she was hungry and wanted to get something to eat and I was down for getting some dessert. The Casbah is like literally 3 mins from the Gaslamp but it took us 20 minutes to find it because Joy forgot to take her Focus Factor pills. We finally found the Gaslamp district and found a parking garage to park the 98 Civic. We walked around the block and found some sports bar with TV's on the outside playing the football game. Joy is a huge football fan I could barely get her attention away form the TV once we got in there (haha nosa) she hates sports. So we get into the restaurant and proceeded to wait like 17 minutes for a waitress to come to our table and see what we wanted. Joy got potatoe skins and 2 Cape Cods - We shared a peach/apple cobbler dessert and I got a Sprite.
After the restuarant we headed to the club. We sat and talked for a while about alot of crazy funny shit that I can divulge until The Occasions began to play. They sounded alot like classic rock and that bored me to death. Everytime Joy and I go to a show lately we see the same people its like a high school reunion or something its funny. We don't talk to these people but I think I'm going to talk to one or two of them next time I go to a show and they are there. We also are starting to see these random fat guys busting a move during the bands performances. It's wicked funny haha we die laughing. Everytime Joy tries to record a video of them dancing it doesn't come out because its so dark.
The Ponys were up next and at first I didn't really dig them but as the show went on I started to dig them. They have a really raw sound and they love to have their guitars feedback. They are from Chicago, IL and this was the last show on this leg of their tour.
After the bands were done we hung out in the bar by the pool tables and just talked more. Joy was a bit drunk from her two drinks so we needed to get her sobbered up so I stuck my finger down her throat so she would throw up..haha =P
We ended the night at about 2:00am. I was so freakin' tired this morning at work - I almost fell asleep so in order to wake up I went into the bathroom and did some major leg stretches and neck stretches.
Here are some photos I took from last night
Here some photos Joy took from last night
Fucking Love All of You,
Dude, stretching totally rules!
Anyway, Sunday was mega fun! Thanks for hanging out with my old asian-y boyish self, with my bloat, peeling face, and so menstrual to the max.
PS: I love basketball!! Geez! >:(
PPS: Happy 100th or 101th! What? No glamour shots?! :O
your face was peeling from what?!?! i forgot you had your menstrual cycle i would have celebrated it with you had i not forgot...haha
dude the glamour shots i totally freakin forgot..ill maybe do them this week..ill have erica put some eyeliner, lip gloss and a few other things on me...
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