google talk came out! It's an instant messeaging program that is simple and the voice chat is the clearest I've ever heard and has no delay at all. you need gmail so email me if you want an invite.
I built my friends (aka the former drummer for The Predicates) bands website. They call themselves HermanTheGreat.
My band The Predicates recorded another song with D-Fab last week. We finished the guitar and my vocals for "We Want What We Know" It's a song about a boy and a girl that like each other but they know its the end of the relationship and they are having a tough time moving on from it. They know what the right thing to do is but caan't push themselves to move on because its too scary. The other song we recorded with him "Credit Card vs. Rent"
is about being super happy in love and not having anything financially but still proposing. Not worrying about anything else in life except the other person. Probably one of the happiest songs I've ever written.
I've gosta go to bed kid! it's freaking late and I need to wake up at 5:15am - oh ya everyone @ TIG hello and welcome to my website!
2 wicked funny photos a guy did he and I that is obsessed with me! haha
photo 1
photo 2
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