Sunday, August 07, 2005

Oh, Tennessee, My Tennessee

Two weeks ago my brother Tim moved to Tennessee with his girlfriend Jessica and their daughter Molly. Jessica's mother and step-dad, sisters, aunts and uncles live there. My brothers life has pretty much gone to shit since 2001. He got in trouble with drugs and since then he's pretty much lost everything from his car, to his music collection, stereos, TV's, you name it he pawned it! In 2002 he had Molly, so the responsibility of having a child, not being able to get a good job & trying to stay free of hardcore drugs has made his professional life sort of a difficult task. Fast forward to 2005 he is still in the same boat of having no money, no job/career and just nothing real exciting to look forward to. Jessica and he decided to move to Tennessee and make a new start. I spoke to my brother yesterday for the first time since he's been there. He said the closest McDonald's is 15 miles away, closest gas station 6 miles away, all the girls there are just that little teenage girls or overweight cigarette smokin woman, the guys are super skinny cigarette smokin rednecks. You want to know why they all smoke cigarettes? They all smoke cigarettes b/c they are $2.50/pack or $25/Carton - In Massachusetts cigarettes are $5/pack or $50/Carton. You can rent a 5 room house there for $350/month. You can live off of minimum wage there!!! He also says there are no jobs really.

I'm really sad to see my brothers life turn out the way it has. He is such an artistic/creative person. I remember him doing graffiti and drawing funny pictures when I was younger. He would always came up with really good funny catch phrases that I would ultimately steal and share with my friends as if I made them up. He got me into really good music ever since I was 13 Nirvana, Lemonheads, Billy Bragg, Dramarama, etc...I saw my first & best shows with him: Foo Fighters 1995 & Evan Dando 1998. He is the coolest person I've ever met in my life. Out of everyone I've ever met in life he has had the biggest influence over me. From the music I like, to the way I dress, to the words I say, to my ideals, everything. If I could give him one thing in life it would be a fresh start.

the song to where the title originates


p.s. coming up on 100 posts!!! I'm trying to think of something exciting to do - any ideas?
this is post #97 by the way.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this entry Gregg. :)

Hmm... as to what to do for your 100th entry...

Glamour shots!

Gregg O'Connell said...

dude that'd be wicked funny..."glamour shots"

i could put makeup on and everything..haha

Anonymous said...


Dude, I totally used to do something similar when I sold make-up in Century City. :P We would have these quarterly "events" to sell more and one was a "weekend of glamour"! 8 straight hours of awful techno music, standing on my feet and making people beautiful...

Oh, that job was hell.

Of course, you wouldn't require any work at all. :)

Gregg O'Connell said...

haha dude that sounds like a sweet job! exciting and motivating!