I'm a Pisces, and I was born that way believe it or not. My birthday is March 6. My mom is also a Pisces her birthday is March 9. Growing up in the beautiful city of Brockton, MA (it's not really beautiful its quite run down) my best friend from 4th grade til 9th grade was Jason Rankin. Jason was an Aquarius. I had other friends during this time but Jason was by far the closest and best friend I had during this time. We shared almost all the same interests: sports, music, girls, movies etc...He was easy to talk to and cool to be around. Man haha this is starting to sound like I wish I had kissed him but relax relax I'm not gay nor do I wish I had kissed him. We stayed friends until 9th grade and that's when he changed a lot and went through this transformation of being a wild child and hanging with the wrong crowd. This is also the time I started having girlfriends on a regular basis. I didn't have another actual "guy" best friend until I was 19. I started working at Evergreen Investments and I met the man they call Zdenek Janda or as I like to call him Terry Honda. Zdenek (pronounced Sten-ik) is also an Aquarius. I'm starting to see that people that are Aquarius end up being very good friends with me. I feel this certain bond with them. They seem to understand me more than other signs (ok I don't sound gay but I sound like a fruitty old hippie). Here are some quotes from Milton Black's
site on the relationship between Pisces & Aquarius - "you have a wonderful friendship: you like each other, are tolerant of one another's failings, and tend to bring out the best in one another" also check this out
"Pisces helps build Aquarius self-confidence and self-esteem tremendously. Aquarius enjoys Pisces' approval and appreciation, and feels that Pisces is a real friend and supporter. Moreover, you feel good in one another's company. Humor, fun, recreation, and play are a big part of your relationship."
Milton Black knows everything!!!
Lately I've been meeting Leo's a lot. The first Leo I met in San Diego is Lissa. She and I have a
very intense relationship - emotionally & mentally. Milton Black goes on to say "This relationship will always have a highly unstable, unpredictable tone, an electric quality that is exciting but not especially soothing or peaceful." and he also says which I find true There is a magnetic, rather intense attraction between you, and it is very likely that you will go through many intense challenges and emotionally powerful experiences together." This is quite accurate. I never know how things will go between she and I & I like that b/c I like things to stay the same but I also like things to change and evolve. The other Leo I met here in San Diego is my good friend Joy. My relationship with Joy is more stable but I also haven't known her for as long as I have Lissa. She does share the same sign traits as Lissa "Leo's basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Pisces is dreamy and moody. Leo has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre." haha it's pretty weird how we take on a lot of what our signs are isn't it??? I've been also telling Joy to do this "Pisces encourages Leo to participate in social groups and contribute to society in greater measure." haha..She should join the Big Sister's Program.
In closing if you are an Aquarius please hit me up with a friendship application - I'm waiting. As for you Leo's you make my life very fun, interesting and exciting so keep bringing it!
P.S. This may have been my worst blog entry of all-time.
holla if you hear me!
P.P.S I wrote a song for this entry download here.
here are the lyrics - it's a copy of Bad Moon Rising by CCR
i am a motherfuckin pisces
you are an aquarius
we are the very best of friends
and you cant ever take that away
so don't go out tonight
or ill go and take ur life
i'm the only friend you'll like
i am a motherfuckin pisces
you are leo
we are electric
and emotionally intense
so don't go out tonight
cause you know i like to cry
i am really alright
Leo has an underlying narcissistic streak and cannot bear to be ignored, unappreciated, or considered mediocre.
I'm not like that!!! Not like that at all!! >:(
Are you ignoring me now?!?!
haha it's not a bad thing. you guys like attention thats all no biggie...
i like attention too =)
Gregg......yawwwwwnnnnnnn! :)
- Your first and forever Leo
ya this post was kinda weak i agree...my next entry is why i dont drink or smoke..even more exciting
these last 2 entries have been much different than your usual stuff. hmmm...i wonder why ;)
i'm in love tha's why =P
haha... you always are.
YEAH! leos rule!!!!
Your little ditty made me laugh oh so much. Word to my Pisces brethren.
i'm glad it made someone laugh =)
espeically if it were you
well, I'm a aquarius and I've been seeing a leo for almost a year now, we have a magnetic attraction, yet our union is not always calm, he gets perturbed by my aloofness, I believe a aquarius/ leo union is quite interesting, I've learned that I have to come out of my aloofness and give him more attention, and hes learned that once you have a aquarius for a friend, you have a friend for life. He pushes me to be more involved with people and not so distant, I show him how to open his mind about situations just a bit more.
so whats the guys name and what are his stats cause he sounds like a gem!
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