Thursday, December 29, 2005


I haven't been feeling very creative lately hence the lack of blog entries. My mind feels lazy and unproductive. I've been filling my days with video games, naps and movies. I've barely been playing guitar and writing music has been something that seems so long ago. I have written some music in the past month but its rubbish! No Good! I need for a change to happen in my personal life. I'm pretty content with work - they pay me enough - the work is easy - the people are cool, etc...I almost feel like I'm settling into old age.

I wish I could pack up Stowie, my job, my friends, the weather & the pretty girls and bring them all back to Massachusetts. It's a lovely thought but not very reasonable, but when have I ever been reasonable?

I need a haircut. I want to dye my hair again. Maybe this weekend! I want to meet someone who fucking blows me away the way Erica and someone else did.

I'm going to bring my video camera to a New Year's party I'm going to so I'm hoping some good footage comes from that and if so I'll post it on my site.

super sized love,

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Show #11 - I'm Back on the Podcast Scene!

You must have missed my sweet voice over your headphones as you listen to your favorite songs put together in a playlist only I could put together! Enjoy Sexy Mofo's!


1. The National - All The Wine
2. Youth Group - Drowned
3. Nikola Sarcevic - Lovetrap
4 Matt Pond PA - So Much Trouble
5. Athete - Twenty Four Hours
6. Her Space Holiday - The Weight of the World


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

MySpace Sluts

I usually only go on MySpace if someone messages me, leaves me a comment or if I posted a new video. Over this little Christmas break we had I decided to search the girls that lived in a 5 mile radius around my zip code. 75% or more of the girls profiles I looked at had these photos in their profile where they all have blonde hair, are hugging another one or many of their girlfriends with their cleavage busting out, their leathery tan skin shines like a new 2007 Honda Civic & they're all holding their favorite mixed drinks. These are the girls in life I LOVE to look at but AHHHHHH can't stand meeting in real life. They are such a dime a dozen especially here in San Diego. I need some East Coast Biotches that haven't turned "Californian" yet! Where ya'll at?!?!

Sleepless in San Diego,


Monday, December 26, 2005

Weekend Update (Audio) - Christmas, La Casa, Narnia & More!

Merry Christmas everyone! I did a lot on this looooong weekend!

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Top 20 Photos 2005

I have no clue how those Predicates photos are now #1 and #2..could it be our fans? hmm I doubt it. Some other notable mentions in the top 20 are #6 "Rock Cock" now thats truly a punk rawk photo! My Ex-Girlfriends are definitely representing the top 20 very well! And riding #20 the prettiest tree I've ever seen...its even kind of sexy isn't it?

The Predicates Outside

#1: The Predicates Outside

Erica & I playing at Tower Two in OB

3914 views / Nobody counts The Predicates Outside as a favorite / 2 comments

The Predicates still outside

#2: The Predicates still outside

Erica & I playing at Tower Two in OB

3620 views / Nobody counts The Predicates still outside as a favorite / 0 comments

Erica's The Predicates

#3: Erica's The Predicates

Erica's homemade the predicates tshirt with backwards "e" & "d"

1937 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 8 comments

Erica's Wicked Smart

#4: Erica's Wicked Smart

Erica's homemade tshirt "wicked smart"

1738 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 5 comments

Erica ex gf

#5: Erica ex gf

i dated her from 2002-2004

1692 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 2 comments

80's Rock Cock

#6: 80's Rock Cock

Rockin' The Cock

1287 views / Nobody counts 80's Rock Cock as a favorite / 8 comments

Erica smiling on chinatown

#7: Erica smiling on chinatown

erica smiling for money

1099 views / Nobody counts Erica smiling on chinatown as a favorite / 0 comments

Gregg underwear model

#8: Gregg underwear model

in my boxer briefs looking sexy and BIG.

1035 views / Nobody counts Gregg underwear model as a favorite / 36 comments


#9: boobville

my friend jill from jr high is on the left with her friends showing their boobs off

998 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 2 comments

arizona girls and my nose

#10: arizona girls and my nose

i met these girls at open mic at blind melons.

870 views / Nobody counts arizona girls and my nose as a favorite / 0 comments

Jessie my ex gf

#11: Jessie my ex gf

i dated here from 1998-2001

750 views / Nobody counts Jessie my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Isa my ex gf

#12: Isa my ex gf

i dated her from 1996-1998

710 views / Nobody counts Isa my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

the predicate (ERica2)

#13: the predicate (ERica2)

erica before our show at blind melons

694 views / Nobody counts the predicate (ERica2) as a favorite / 0 comments

Meg my ex gf

#14: Meg my ex gf

I dated her for 2 months in 2004

565 views / Nobody counts Meg my ex gf as a favorite / 6 comments

Erin my ex gf

#15: Erin my ex gf

i dated her for like 2 months in 2001

560 views / Nobody counts Erin my ex gf as a favorite / 2 comments

Gregg Boxer-Briefs

#16: Gregg Boxer-Briefs

in my boxer briefs looking to sex someone up

527 views / 2 people count this as a favorite / 4 comments

gregg shirtless in san diego

#17: gregg shirtless in san diego

i'm not cut and so white - killer combo!

482 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 7 comments

beast man

#18: beast man

a half nude zdenek

475 views / 3 people count this as a favorite / 0 comments

80's Ballerina

#19: 80's Ballerina

Wanna Dance?

474 views / Nobody counts 80's Ballerina as a favorite / 9 comments

Pretty Tree

#20: Pretty Tree

isn't this tree the most beautiful tree you've ever seen?

468 views / Nobody counts Pretty Tree as a favorite / 26 comments

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weekend Update (Audio) - Christmas Shopping, Movies & More!

I finally finished my Christmas Shopping find out what you're getting!

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Top 10 Albums of 2005

1. Ben Lee - Awake Is The New Sleep
2. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
3. Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
4. Nada Surf - The Weight Is A Gift
5. Coldplay - X & Y
6. Stellastarr - Harmonies For The Haunted
7. Matt Pond PA - Several Arrows Later
8. Imogean Heap - Speak For Yourself
9. Her Space Holiday - The Past Presents The Future
10. Death Cab For Cutie - Plans

Honorable Mentions:
Youth Group - Skeleton Jar
Brendan Benson - Alternative To Love
Aqualung - Strange and Beautiful
M83 - Teen Angst
The Mountain Goats - The Sunset Tree

Thursday, December 15, 2005

1 Year of Blogging

I've now been blogging 1 Year to the day today! My blog has gone from bland to sensational! I started a blog because I wanted a website where people could easily interact with me and here we are! You guys comment on my bullshit opinions and my awe-inspiring dancing and I leave you with a sense of hope and joy. I leave you with a feeling that the future is going to be ok and that you can always count on Gregg to get you off or at least get you really horny!

In celebration of my 1 year of blogging I will be giving away an iPod Nano to the first person who emails me...haha I'm just fucking kidding you know I can't afford a damn Nano...OK this time is for real - In celebration of my 1 year of blogging I've come up with a little cheer for anyone including cheerleaders, football players, girls, boys, men, women, gay, straight & parrots to sing along to and you have my exclusive permission to use this cheer anytime you'd like!

Download the Gregg Cheer!

Thank You to everyone that visits and everyone that finds my website off random searches like "Twisted Testicle" "Gay Hitchhikers" "40 Year Old Virgin" or any other wacky way you've found me - keep coming because I know I will keep coming! Boo-Yah!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Napping Overrated?

Napping is defined as "sleep: a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "there wasn't time for a nap"
haha when isn't there time for a nap? Everyone must know I love napping! I started napping a lot when I moved out of my moms house and on my own at the ripe old age of 21. It was probably the mix of working/commuting into Boston and Paxil. I would basically take a nap when I got home from work and then go to bed at like 11pm. Well I've continued practicing the "art of napping" to this day and I'm actually better than ever at it. Because now I work 20 minutes from my house and I'm not on any medication. So I can now nap just by eating something, watching TV on the couch, laying in my bed or surfing the internet. Am I becoming an old fart? Or am I just well trained machined that knows how to nap? The reason I'm bringing up all this nap talk is because for the last two weeks I haven't really napped much and it's affecting me! Why do you ask haven't I been napping? Well the reason is I've been going to the gym sometimes right after work and that's usually when I nap. If I don't go to the gym after work I get caught up on the internet with some fascinating story on Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey or a story on why Tara Reid's boobs have gotten bigger over at
The lack of naps has been making get tired as early as 7:00 pm. I can barely keep my beautiful green eyes open past 9:00 pm these days. Please pray for me so I can get back to my golden days of napping - There's nothing like the feeling of crankiness, blurry eyes, confusion & bad breath after a nice long 3 hour nap!

God Rest My Soul


Monday, December 12, 2005

The Christmas Dance (Video)

You've been asking and asking and I think I've failed to deliver on this one haha BUT it is me dancing and it is Holiday themed!
The song is J-I-N-G-L-E BELLS by Frank Sinatra.

Download The Video


Christmas Dance Photo Set

Merry Christmas, New Year & Chinese New Year!


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Weekend Update (Audio) - Chasing Christmas, Nasty Chinese Food & Target

What would a weekend be without a little shopping at Target? Some Xbox 360? Some nasty ass chinese food? & A horrible Christmas Movie? It'd be a boring weekend!

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Zdenek's Dirty Mouth & His Weather Report (Voicemail)

Zdenek aka Terry Honda seems to be a regular customer in my life. He seems to always be buying the news that is my life. You need to listen to his latest rant on why I didn't answer one of his questions, his love of my new ringback tone for my cellphone & he gives us a snowy weather report of Massachusetts!

Download Here


Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm Scared To Fly....AAAHHHHH

It's been 15 years since I was last in an airplane. I used to fly all the time from the ages of like 7 through 10 years old but I haven't flown since. When I used to fly as a kid I wasn't scared and I didn't worry about anything. I remember getting super excited to go on the plane and being able to see the clouds and tiny little houses and people that looked like ants from so high above.

When I hit puberty (isn't that a nasty sounding word "puberty" haha ewww) I started to develop anxiety issues. I began worrying and over analyzing everything to the point where I would have trouble sleeping, going out in public, going school, etc..I would just totally freak out in my head like I'd want to run away from everything and just feel safe. I have since found ways to learn how to deal with my anxiety and try to put it in the back burner and not be such a fucking dork about it and let it get the best of me ("the best the best the best the best of you" Foo Fighters haha).

Well this leads into my fear of flying. I'm not actually scared of being in a plane and flying and getting in a plane crash. I'm more scared of being on a plane and having an anxiety attack and not being able to get away from everyone so that I can get to a place I feel safe and secure in. I also don't want to look like a fool by having an anxiety attack in front of everyone. I'd hate to be the one guy on the plane who looks like an asshole because he is freaking over nothing and he can't control himself. My anxiety issues are basically me worrying about not looking like a fool in front of everyone by having an anxiety attack and me feeling safe and in control of the situation I'm in.

If I continue to live on the west coast/California I'm going to have to fly back eventually for something. For instance my brother is getting married in June 2006 in Tennessee and it's a bit to far to drive so that leaves me with not going which I don't want to do or I need to fly. In order for me to fly again I'm going to need some meds that relax me and then after a few flights I'll be fine and I won't need any meds. I tend to let things I haven't done in a long time get the best of me. Does that make me a fucking pussy? haha..Yes probably but it's how I've lived my life and I'm trying to change..kinda..Well I'd like to change! Help me change, get me some meds, a soft pillow, a pretty girl & a free plane ticket!

Hopefully this explains why I'm not going back to Massachusetts for the holidays...I'm a big crybaby loser punk nerd dork fag prick sucka playa kid!

Boo Fuckin Yah to You and Your momz!


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Whole Alotta Asians

First off I'm not a racist and this is not a racist post just more of statement - so fuckin' booyah to you. California like almost everyone has heard or seen first hand has A LOT OF ASIANS! Now this isn't a bad thing in fact the Asians I have met are very driven, smart, ambitious and they like rice in every meal! They also like eating lots of nasty ass seafood and chicken (white or yucky dark meat) The reason for me posting my short essay on Asians in California is because I'm so bored of looking at Asian women! Sure they generally take care of themselves and are pretty BUT there's so many of them I'm so fuckin' bored of looking at them. They are over populating all other races of woman. I LOVE SEEING A PRETTY GIRL but since all I see pretty much is Asian woman I've become bored of woman and I'm thinking of starting to maybe have sex with a man...
haha j/k about the man part :P
When I do see a pretty girl it's like "Holy Shit LOOK it's a fine ass girl and she's not Asian!!!" Don't get me wrong here I'm not looking for a girlfriend I just like to know me like I know you so we both know each other pretty well...did that make sense to you? Good!

In conclusion I DO LIKE ASIAN PEOPLE, I DO FIND ASIAN GIRLS ATTRACTIVE, I ALSO LIKE RICE, I ALSO LIKE CHICKEN (WHITE MEAT ONLY)...Oh ya The white girls I meet have either wanted to party or do party way too much, are crazy or are nasssssttttyyyyyyy!

Loving The Human Race,


Monday, December 05, 2005

The Schnauzer & The Schnoodle @ The Beach

Herbie (The Schnauzer) & Stowie (The Schnoodle) go to dog beach located in Ocean Beach - San Diego, CA one fine fall day. They find not only new friends but explore the sandy non-white beach and the deep blue ocean! The music playing in the background is Ed Harcourt - Apple Of My Eye

Download Video Here

Friday, December 02, 2005

The End of An Era

Erica played her last show with me last night. It was bittersweet because on one hand we had a lot of the friends we have met since being out here at the show which is awesome but it also signified the end of Erica and I playing music together. Erica and I have written a lot of songs I'm really proud of and I'm sad, scared and excited for the future of my musical career. I now can make The Predicates whatever I want. I mean its not like I couldn't with Erica in the band but its just a bit easier now because I am the one and only person now. I'm not sure if I want to get a whole band together or go solo...I dunno if I'm good enough to go solo I feel like I need a side kick onstage with me to laugh at my corny banter and sing harmony with me. I have a whole slew of songs written and some more songs that are half done that I just need to finish up. I want release all the songs I like which is quite a few but copyrighting is pretty expensive @ $35/song. I'm looking into Creative Commons licensing which is free and it allows others to use my work if they give me credit. I really like the free part and I really like the option of others being able to use my work as long as they give me credit because it gives me a wider audience if someone covers a song I wrote. I honestly also don't really care about making money off of my music I'm down with people just downloading it and telling me they like it or it made them horny or happy or sad or whatever other emotions humans have.

Checkout some photos of Erica's Last Show!

Big Love,
