Friday, December 02, 2005

The End of An Era

Erica played her last show with me last night. It was bittersweet because on one hand we had a lot of the friends we have met since being out here at the show which is awesome but it also signified the end of Erica and I playing music together. Erica and I have written a lot of songs I'm really proud of and I'm sad, scared and excited for the future of my musical career. I now can make The Predicates whatever I want. I mean its not like I couldn't with Erica in the band but its just a bit easier now because I am the one and only person now. I'm not sure if I want to get a whole band together or go solo...I dunno if I'm good enough to go solo I feel like I need a side kick onstage with me to laugh at my corny banter and sing harmony with me. I have a whole slew of songs written and some more songs that are half done that I just need to finish up. I want release all the songs I like which is quite a few but copyrighting is pretty expensive @ $35/song. I'm looking into Creative Commons licensing which is free and it allows others to use my work if they give me credit. I really like the free part and I really like the option of others being able to use my work as long as they give me credit because it gives me a wider audience if someone covers a song I wrote. I honestly also don't really care about making money off of my music I'm down with people just downloading it and telling me they like it or it made them horny or happy or sad or whatever other emotions humans have.

Checkout some photos of Erica's Last Show!

Big Love,



Gregg O'Connell said...

do i make you horny?

Gregg O'Connell said...

dude the xmas song might not be released...i don't know if i like it and then i got a cold so i havent been able to sing well for 2 weeks!!!