First off I'm not a racist and this is not a racist post just more of statement - so fuckin' booyah to you. California like almost everyone has heard or seen first hand has A LOT OF ASIANS! Now this isn't a bad thing in fact the Asians I have met are very driven, smart, ambitious and they like rice in every meal! They also like eating lots of nasty ass seafood and chicken (white or yucky dark meat) The reason for me posting my short essay on Asians in California is because I'm so bored of looking at Asian women! Sure they generally take care of themselves and are pretty BUT there's so many of them I'm so fuckin' bored of looking at them. They are over populating all other races of woman. I LOVE SEEING A PRETTY GIRL but since all I see pretty much is Asian woman I've become bored of woman and I'm thinking of starting to maybe have sex with a man...
haha j/k about the man part :P
When I do see a pretty girl it's like "Holy Shit LOOK it's a fine ass girl and she's not Asian!!!" Don't get me wrong here I'm not looking for a girlfriend I just like to look..you know me like I know you so we both know each other pretty well...did that make sense to you? Good!
In conclusion I DO LIKE ASIAN PEOPLE, I DO FIND ASIAN GIRLS ATTRACTIVE, I ALSO LIKE RICE, I ALSO LIKE CHICKEN (WHITE MEAT ONLY)...Oh ya The white girls I meet have either wanted to party or do party way too much, are crazy or are nasssssttttyyyyyyy!
Loving The Human Race,
UH UH? UH? Not sure what to tell you. UH?
tell me its gonna stop
Dear Gregg,
Move back to Boston.
Love, Esther.
PS. It's true. That's why I refuse to move to Cali anymore. I'd fucking fade into the background.
we don't want u to fade away. we want you to stick out like a big bum
or you can move to Chicago:)
us girls here are pretty down to Earth... plux the music scene rules!
xoxoxox miss ya!
U R racist!!
Chicago would hate me! I'm way to east coast and I'm super picky! I pick my nose 24/7! do they dig that?
east coast person in chicago.. fine.
nose picker.. even better.
Can people from the east coast survive in Chicago? I don't think the air is the same cause those people in Chicago have some weird accents going on!
You're totally outta control. Is that Michelle? If so tell her HI!
no thats my new black girlfriend of course its michelle haha
If you want yourself a White girl, you'd better hit Borders or Barnes and Nobles. Cause PB Bar and Grill will only get you the wild ones...drinkers, party-ers and that sort....pick one that can at least read something other than tabloid magazines. Lyrical Terrorists.
the thing is i can read but i dont read books...i need myself a laptop so i can wifi out at the book store...a laptop will be my next investment so i can just sit on the net all day and wait for girls to walk by so i can talk to them.
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