Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Caffeine Free Mountain Dew

I started my journey to find caffeine free Mountain Dew after someone on a message board said there was such a thing. I've searched far and wide for the holy grail of "caffeine free soda" to no avail. I've called grocery stores and online stores and they don't know of such a product. I called Pepsi to ask them of its where abouts and they said they don't know what stores its in. That to me sounds like bullshit to whatever. I do know it exists b/c one look at the photo in this entry and two people on message boards have had it. Help me find it God, Help me soon!
I need to quench my caffeine free mouth with that sweet citrus sugary taste! You may be asking why I want caffeine free Mountain Dew and not the regular Mountain Dew? Well I stopped drinking caffeinated products about 2 years ago because caffeine is something I don't need in my diet. I eat bad enough so why not cut the caffeine out so that my heart beats at a normal pace at all times. : )

If you can get me Caffeine Free Mountain Dew or know where I can get it post a comment here.

The Decaffeinated Gregg


Anonymous said...

I'm probably a bigger dork and/or a better person, but I tried to look up the answer for you. Apparently, it can only be found in the Midwest, southern East Coast, and Canada. Sorry, amigo.

Gregg O'Connell said...

Ya I saw that. I'm hoping someone from one of those areas will hook me up and mail me some Dew!

Anonymous said...

Mountain Dew is nasty. Drink some Bud Light or something.

Gregg O'Connell said...

you should drink milk and take your vitamins! I'll continue to be a true proud person behind my walls of insecurities!

Anonymous said...

I do live in the midwest and they do have caffeine free Mountain Dew at the grocery store right down the street from my house. So far, I have only been able to find it in 12-oz cans. If you still want some, email me and we'll work something


Gregg O'Connell said...

Julia hook a brotha up! email me

Anonymous said...

I need to be hooked up, too! I'm 24 and originally from southeastern Tennessee. They carried caffeine free Mountain Dew in all the stores there. Now I live in Texas (DFW area). I've lived here for 9 years and they don't carry caffeine free Dew here. I think they have diet caffeine free Dew, but I don't drink the diet drinks. They taste like crap and that fake sugar stuff is worse for you than corn syrup or real sugar.

I got off caffeine a few years ago because of medical reasons.

Anonymous said...

Available in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am in the exact same situation as you. I live in coastal South Carolina, and have been searching far and wide for the illusive "Caffeine Free Mountain Dew."

So far, I have only seen the "Diet Caffeine Free" which, in my opinion, tastes like total crap. So my search continues.

Since I gave up caffeine (due to these freakin' heart flutters), I've been REALLY missing the wonderful flavor of Mountain Dew. (on an average, I use to drink at least 5 or 6 cans per day... no wonder I was having heart flutters, huh?)

I am gonna try asking the local grocery stores if they've ever tried stocking it. Wish me luck...

Myrtle Beach, SC

Anonymous said...

I've got 6 cases of the stuff sitting in my fridge right now!! Actually taking it over to a pretty girl in Arizona this weekend... She's an addict like you. Found the stuff - 'Mountain Dew Regular Caffeine Free', tons of it, at a Wal-Mart in Provo, Utah!

I live in Southern California, and found it on a road trip to Washington. So if you're that addicted... Gas up for Utah, brother!! :)

Anonymous said...

Here's the proof...


It's heading to AZ this weekend... from Utah, via Hemet, CA !!

Hope these pictures show up here...


Michael (limmu^wd) on MySp_ce

Unknown said...

Greg, I live in LA/ Orange County and I am in the same boat as you. I love my dew, though it is hard to find. The closest place that I know of is Provo/Orem Utah. It is a journey, though if you know someone that is going to Park City or driving across Utah, then that area isnt too far. Brandon