I had a show with my partner in musical crime Erica. We played at the Boat and Ski Club in Mission Beach and again none of my friends or her friends attended. We play like one show a month you'd think people would go to at least one show. I'm at the point at this moment that I'm not going to even ask people to go to my shows anymore - Fuck'em haha!
We met some really amazing interesting solo artists there. The first one we met was a girl name Anna Troy. I did some research on her and she was in a band with her sister called "The Troys" they were a kind of Vanessa Carlton/Michelle Branch esque group. They got signed to Elektra Records but things didn't really mature into much so they parted ways. Anna now plays straight up blues music as a solo artist. She has a wonderful voice and a pretty smile. The artist that played after us was Kim DiVincenzo. Kim is really petite, cute and well versed. She hails from none other than Holden, MA. I told her we were from Massachusetts and she's like no way and I was like yeah we came out here almost a year ago and she's like me too.
I saw Wedding Crashers last night. It was really good but not as good as 40 Year Old Virgin.
Erica thinks Owen Wilson is ugly and I think if he had a new nose he'd be a hottie with a face everyone could love not just moms!
I watched Adaptation this evening. It gives a good dipiction of what goes through my mind when I am thinking alot. I worry about if I'm interesting or aggravating with other people, if I'm too fat, when I write music that I think is good do other people think its good. Nicholas Cage who is the lead in the film has social anxiety. My social anxiety doesn't so much come up when I speak to people on my own time but its when I know I have to talk or I am forced to speak one on one or in front of a group. I am fine on stage I think because one I have a guitar in front of me and our music isn't scripted with The Predicates, and two Erica is on stage with me so it takes a bit of the attention off me. It must sound weird to some people that I say this because I like being the center of attention and I like being looked at and listened to but the contradiction to that is I have social anxiety. I get shortness of breath, my heart beats faster and I get dizzy see I'm not so perfect like you thought haha!
P.S. I have to make another podcast I've been so fucking lazy. Bare with me - be patient!
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