Tuesday, November 29, 2005

What Am I Listening to?!?!?

Good question! You can now track what I listen to! I downloaded a free program called Audioscrobbler. You just choose the music player you use and then download and install audioscrobbler. It then tracks all the music you listen to and puts them in a neat little package with charts and also recommends bands you may like. Wicked cool!

See what I'm listening to!

P.S. In the future just click on "Listening" under links to continue to see what I'm listening too. You love music!



Anonymous said...

You listen to some pretty good tunes, man.

Gregg O'Connell said...

I know don't I - I so rawk!

Anonymous said...

someone really cool made me a mixed cd that hasn't left my cd player I listen to b4 I go to bed!!!

Gregg O'Connell said...

you sound like a lucky person to have someone make you a mix cd!