Are you one of those people that when you first start dating someone you celebrate every single month spent together. In past relationships I have done such things but I usually stopped after the 2nd or 3rd month. I stopped usually because I forgot and/or got lazy and didn't feel the need to continue giving little gifts to show my "love".
Emily and I have noticed that my roommate
Erica has been getting such gifts every month that has passed that she's been dating her "fiance" to be
Tim. He started off giving her a single rose, then this month he gave her two roses! We're thinking what's next? 3 roses? 3 French hens? #3 from McDonalds? I'm actually waiting in suspense to see what's next!!!
Since I'm a straight male this question goes out to all my female fans!
Does celebrating monthly anniversaries make you like the guy anymore quicker or richer than if he hadn't acknowledged it?
Gregg Nice
giving gifts and celebrating anniversaries is never, ever a bad thing. i think it's super cute and romantic - go tim and erica. :)
p.s. thanks so much for the 8 maids-a-milking! has it already been that many weeks?
then where are my monthly anniversary gifts?!?! oh my gift this month must be groceries from target and vons!
thank you - you're the sweetest!
if things keep going this well, we'll be at costco in no time... only the best for you, lucky boy!
stop it!
you're turning me on!!!
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