Monday, April 24, 2006

Gas Prices Suck!

What the hell is up with the gas prices! They keep going up and up and up and up!
When I first started driving back in 1998 a gallon of regular gas was as low as $0.99! Imagine that! It cost me like literally $11 to fill my Honda Civic up. Now just 8 years later its up to $3.14/gallon and costs me $32 to fill up my Civic. I know its probably more sad that I actually still have the same car since I was a teenager than the $2 gas inflation!

California is another story with its gas prices compared to the rest of the country. We get charged an extra amount because they put the gas through an extra process?!?! You know that's a bunch of bullshit - it's just so the wealthy can't get richer! I hate rich white people! They're so rich and white! Damn them!

I think that instead of trying to find ways to make more fuel efficient gasoline cars and other gasoline resources that we should push full force into finding new fuel sources. Something that is in much abundance like cooking oil from McDonald's. I don't know it's just a thought.

In the meantime I like every other stupid American will continue to pay over $3/gallon for gas with a smile on my face and no cash in my pocket (well having no cash in my pocket is more because I pay with my debit card).

Thank God for President Bush! (I'm kidding)



Anonymous said...

at least you drive a civic instead of a gas-guzzling SUV or whatever.

i didn't know you drove a civic - wow, you're getting hotter by the minute, mr. o'connell! do you wanna go out sometime?

Gregg O'Connell said...

of course i own a civic i'm wicked indie hip!

do i wanna go out sometime? sure if you wanna buy me dinner i love free dinners but just an fyi
i do have a i may smell like a wet dog sometimes

Anonymous said...

cool, i can handle wet dog smell. in fact, it kinda turns me on. glad to hear a gem like you is still single! ;)

Gregg O'Connell said...

i dunno what being single has to do with gas hikes but i am sure glad your comment stayed on topic :P

as for being single. i'm single in the legal sense yes.

Anonymous said...

it ALWAYS comes back to whether or not you're single. that's all I care about anyway, you hottie you.

meet you at mcdonald's around 7?

Gregg O'Connell said...


Anonymous said...

How original! Complaining about gas prices! You are SO informed!

Gregg O'Connell said...

your mother is so informed too

Anonymous said...

good search for cheap gas -

Gregg O'Connell said...

thank you for the gas website you're a savior to all mankind