Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wolf Covers Danzig over a Boombox (Video)

This may go down as the best video I've ever recorded ever ever ever!

I went to open mic at Twiggs in San Diego, CA (University Heights) and this guy by the name of Wolf plays here. He sings Danzig songs over a boombox that plays a tape (yes I said tape) of Danzig music. He bangs his head, screams, takes his shirt off - its heavy metal mania!
it's sexy but serious!

It's the best shit ever ever ever!

Download the video!

cheers mate!



Anonymous said...

Was it open mic night? or Open buffet night? I think he downs a few tecate with lime before he heads down to the place that holds open mic night. It's all in good fun right? Rock on wolf!

Anonymous said...

The WOLF. Too bad I missed this show. Damn.

Gregg O'Connell said...

it was both open mic and buffet!
nope no Tecate for him he was completely sober! he's the dopest!

you didn't miss the show because you watched it on video! the spirit and energy of it is the same on tape as in person. he's performing is that strong!

Anonymous said...

When are you going to write a post all about me?

Gregg O'Connell said...

when you give me a massage

Anonymous said...

guess i'll be seeing that post any minute then!

Anonymous said...

I have seen this guy before. His energy in the video is fucking amazing! Do you know anything else about him, other than that his name is wolf?

Gregg O'Connell said...

wolf is a mystery just like God is a mystery.

stealing a line from joan osbourne "what if wolf was one of us"

he is not of this earth

Anonymous said...

I think he ate a wolf. what a nut