Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Rebirth of Television

Television has been reborn for me. I got my first SOYO 32' LCD HDTV. I must say its fucking amazing. The cut, clarity, color & carat...oops haha that's for diamonds. It really blows me how clear and sharp the picture is in HDTV.

It's kinda funny because there isn't that much programming that's in HD for COX. So I start watching things in HD that I wouldn't bother watching for more like 5 seconds in regular TV. Like last night I put on MHD (Music HD) and they were playing some tacky Bon Jovi concert with some country singer. I hate Bon Jovi's music but being able to watch him in crystal clear viewing pleasure is another story. Not to mention he is cheesy as all hell with his big ass smile and songs that seem to now be written but a songwriter that has no relation to the band but that damn HD signal drew me in!

I also get to play my videogames in HD...Xbox 360...Awwww so pretty! I think I'm in love all over again my little cutie 360 :)

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Anonymous said...

ahh, what a proud papa... "baby HDTV, born April 18th at 5:03 pm".

Gregg O'Connell said...

and my new baby weighed in at 55lbs 4 ounces

Anonymous said...

how much did that bad larry cost ya?

Gregg O'Connell said...

it cost me some things in life that are worth more than the weight of that television in gold.

i hope that answers it for you