Basically from the time I moved to San Diego in November 2004 it seemed like it was my mission in life to find every single way possible I could hate this place. People that are from other areas of the country that move to San Diego say it takes about 6 months to get used to it here and fall in love. Well it took me over a year to fall in love with San Diego. I stayed in my house a lot for the first year and I only had a few friends and they could never hangout as much as I wanted. I pretty much gave up on girls and I was trying to become void of all the feelings of wants and lusts I have for them. I wanted to kill the instinct that "we" men have of wanting to screw every pretty girl we see. It is probably the toughest thing to kill because its just natural and to fight nature that way is pretty much impossible.
I can remember the turning the point in falling in love with San Diego. I was recording with
Bryan and I got a call from PK asking if I wanted to meetup and play at an open mic at Hot Java.
This night set off a domino affect - PK was playing with Jackie. Jackie and hit it off when we said our first words to one another. I knew we'd be cool together b/c the first thing I said (which I can't remember what I said) she started laughing. She and I then went to Twiggs open mic the next week together and I met a charming English chap by the name of Tim Mudd. He runs that open mic and was like "mate that was a great set!" I got a call from my friend Kim D later that same week and she's like do you wanna see my friends bands who is in town and I'm like sure that sounds like fun. Now try and guess who was also invited to this show? .......... umm yes Tim Mudd so he and I bonded even more and laughed and touched the night away. It's funny cause Tim dates my roommate Erica whom he met when I brought her to the Twiggs open mic a while back. I met my good friend Becca thru Jackie when we both went to watch Jackie play an open mic. I met Emily the girl I'm currently dating at PK's superbowl party. So the solution to finding happiness in a place is getting the fuck out of your bedroom and from behind your computer and finding something you love to do and others that love the same thing and people will follow. hmm that was a lot of "run-on" sentence huh! I never pretended to be an English major though thats for sure.
So like that title asks "The Busier The Better?" I said overall yes but in me becoming busy with more friends I have lost time and desire to do more of the things I love. There's always a tradeoff in life in everything you just need to find the balance and I have trouble finding balance cause I am all or nothing. : )
"love is watching someone die"
What's the difference between yogurt and San Diego?
(It doesn't matter, we love it here anyway!)
Ahh... it sounds like you're on your way to being all growned up! Now THAT is a post. ;)
yogurt as active culture!
what's the difference between gregg o'connell and thomas kelly ...gregg o'connell is a cool cute indie singer-songwriter wannabee.
Who love SD all of a sudden... You are so freakin' cool and a totally Californian... :) Finally.
done i'm moving back to the east coast
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