"I had a dream last night that you and I were driving across country again. somewhere in Ohio we were at a diner and you were hitting on the waitress. Her boyfriend was working behind the counter and jumped over and attacked us. A full scale brawl ensued. I woke up before finding out if we got out or not.
strange huh?"
Does it surprise anyone that I would be hitting on a waitress at some diner in the Midwest while
her boyfriend is working behind the counter? God I'm sleazy!
What I make of this dream is that Dave misses me and the skill I show at flirting with young waitress girls. Dave is yearning to learn more from the master of flirt and sleaziness.
Dave, my son it will all come in due time. Be patient. You're still growing as a person. You are beautiful in every single way and words can't bring you down...
Sensei O'Connell
i could never learn enough, my good man.
in the dream it's not like you knew the boyfriend was in the vicinity, so it's not quite as sleazy.
i miss US, sir. i miss what we were when we were together.
damn the dream woulda made me so much more sleazy if i knew the bf was behind the counter.
i miss US too D-Tut! I miss your deep voice and warm hands :)
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