Are you a blogger? I don't just mean the people that actually use I mean the people that have a blog. So you may be asking what is a blog and hopefully you aren't but if you are click here for a definition.
I personally got into blogging last December and I've been hooked ever since! I started a blog because the websites I had in the past weren't interactive enough with the people that visited it. I wanted an easy way that visitors could comment on anything I put on my website. I found Blogger and the rest is history!
Bloggers are some of the most egotistical self righteous people you will ever virtually meet. The ones who's blogs are basically only about their own lives are the worst. I am included in this group so don't let me fool you or trick you! It's truely amazes me that oridinary people like myself and other bloggers actually have people come and read our lives and are interested. We aren't celebraties nor are our lives any more interesting than yours. So the question comes to fruitation what do you like about regular peoples blogs? I guess the answer for me would be the ability to relate to what that person has done or gone through and the community it creates within the population that visits the blog.
The effects blogs have on peoples lives has been documented to have a profound negative affect.
People are losing their jobs and I am one of them (read here) from blogging about their jobs, other people, etc...CNN has an article "Have a blog, lose your job?" and it's all about how people are losing their jobs from blogging and how companies are cracking down on what I feel is free speech. Blogging is basically standing on a soap box and saying whatever you want except the audience has a population that is pretty much infinite. So why are companies able to fire us and control our free speech - it's bullshit! I can see if someone was blogging and telling company secrets that they weren't supposed to be telling but I don't find it right that companies will fire you for saying something bad about another co-worker or a situation - that's what gets me fired up!
In closing I think blogs are an excellent communication tool to get word out to an audience.
They are a great way to meet new people and have new people meet you without you even speaking a word!
Here are some free services to setup your own blog:
Feel free to post the web address to your blog in the comments section!
Do you have a blog at EACH of those sites? I know you've got 2 outta 4. You crazy blogger you!
i basically only blog here and at
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