Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Boys & Girls! My work went nutty with Halloween today! The whole company practically dressed up and almost all departments decorated their areas! I took photos you can see here (Halloween Photos)

I haven't been trick or treating since I was 14 years old in 9th grade - yikes! That was 11 years old. I'm getting so fucking old! AHHHHHHHHHH

Be Safe and make sure to wear protection! Happy Halloween!!!

Gregg "The Goblin" O'Connell

P.S. I'm selling my

Modded Xbox with Xecutor 2.3 modchip
Looking for $200
Has on/off modchip switch so you can play xbox live
Stock hardrive (8 GB)
Mediaplayer 2.4, DVDX,
AC adapter
RCA Cables
1 official xbox controller (cord is ripped open a bit form my dog chewing on it. it works
most of the time - if it doesnt you just need to unplug it and then plug the controller back in)

Also for sale

Sony PSP System v1.5
Looking for $200
Works perfectly and has no cosmetic blemishes!
32mb Memory Card
Spiderman UMD Movie
Demo UMD Game
USB Cable
AC Adapter

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Weekend Update (Audio) - Illinois Girls, Naps & Recording!

Could I have asked for more of an exciting weekend?!?! Listen and Learn!

this is an audio post - click to play

Chicago & Minnesota: Signs! Signs! Signs!

I was invited out by a girl I work with to go to a party with her. I get to the party and I walk in the door and to my amazement and boyish joyful glee I quickly notice it's 4 pretty girls and me! That's like winning the jackpot! Isn't that every guys dream to go to a party and its all girls and you?!?! Well as the party went on a few guys came and another girl and so on. Well three of the girls at the party actually lived in that apartment and they are all originally from Chicago. These girls were all super nice, pretty & laughed at alot of things I had to say probably because they felt bad when I hit them with "I'm a loner I just stay inside all day" haha =P.

Chicago has some kind of connection with me and let me list them all right here. My first sign of Chicago was a little over 1 year ago when my band The Predicates were playing a show in Rhode Island and one of the bands playing with us was from Chicago. We exchanged mailing list emails as to stay in contact. As time went by my band and I decided to movie to San Diego well after being her for a few months we got an email from Marizen and it said they were playing in San Diego so we surprised them with a visit to one of their shows out here.

Minnesota also seems to also be having some kind of significant part in my life. The job I work now has people from all over the country. The guy that I share a cube with Brandon was born in Minnesota. He one of my best friends at work and we get along pretty damn good for a redneck like him and rawker like myself! haha =)
My other sign of Minnesota is when The Tipsy Chicks a podcast consisting of two females from Minnesota played a song from my band on their show. I stay in contact with them and noe pretty damn good friends with them both.

Do these signs mean I should move to these places before I die a horrible death? Do they mean I should buy a plow so I can make alot of money plowing the streets of these respected places? Do they mean nothing at all?

Roll Those Clocks Back!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dr. Phil Interviews Me for my website!

Dr. Phil whom I have never spoken to has been trying to interview me for sometime now. I've been quite busy with work, blogging, dancing & gaming. He called me again today and asked for an interview so I finally agreed and I'm pretty disappointed with the way he conducted the interview. I felt attacked and like he was trying to stab me with a rusty fork until he felt I was done.

Download and listen here

Call my comment line and let me know how you feel about the interview! (619) 377-0593

Modern Love

Have you ever met someone from the internet and then began dating them? Hell maybe the person you are dating now you met off the internet. It seems now the easiest place to meet and talk to someone is off the internet. You can meet your next potential significant other or a hookup from many websites: myspace, craigslist, match, etc...The internet is doing what the telephone did 30-40 years ago but 100x that! You can see photos, videos, live video, and hear any person anywhere in the world instantly. Virtual Sex is seconds away guys!!!

I've met a handful of girls off the internet. Most of the chicks haven't been my type. Some looked really pretty and skinny in their photo but when I met them in public they had 3 chins, an ass that looked like the state of Texas & the personality of a Cow (So loving and they liked to lick salt sticks)
The first girl I ever really "hooked up" with I met in an AOL chatroom. The year was 1998 and I was a wild drug-free, alchohol-free, filled with caffeine punk ready to mount a girl oops I mean conquer the world! I was in a Boston chatroom and this girl read my profile and I had some lame music quote that caught her attention so she instant messaged me and we began talking on the telephone offline shortly after that. We met at a Dunkin' Donuts a few days later and thus began us dating for 3 years off and on before we finally broke up when I was 21. Since meeting her I haven't met another girl online that I have ended up dating for more than maybe a month. I do like to use the internet to get to know someone. It's an easy relaxing way to ask questions I'd be kinda shy to ask face to face to that person.

So basically the internet is good for a few things: Porn, hookups, cybersex, booking trips, checking your spam I mean email, myspace, pirating music and movies & visiting my website.

big love,

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm A Maniac

As you all know I'm pretty popular on the internet. I'm one of the most interesting people you will ever meet or not meet. I recently was emailed by a friend and she told me some girls were emailing her asking about me. These girls in question are internet friends of mine. The thing is they didn't trust me/believe me as person 100%. So they knew I was friends with this one girl who has website so they emailed her and asked her questions about the validity of me as a person. They were shocked and amazed to find out that who I am online is who I am in person. They felt wrong and apologized to me and even got a little "tipsy" from the whole thought process of me being fake. They now want to get me a nice Christmas present from the Apple store and if they don't get me the new video iPod then s0meone else can - just email me guys! I'll accept presents from gay guys ok gays? I'll also accept presents form straight guys, girls, old woman, young woman, ugly, pretty, fat, skinny, tall & short.

Here's My Wishlist


Sunday, October 23, 2005

80's Rock Lip Singing/Air Guitar (Video)

If you were begging for more videos of me well here is some 80's Rock Lip Singing, Air Guitar playing, Mullet Wearing, Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me - Goodness!

Download the Video Here


Photo Set Here

Weekend Update (Audio) - Movies, Shaved My Body & More!

Lots of shit went down this weekend! From Elizabethtown to Shaving my body!
Listen and Learn!

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, October 21, 2005

8 Of The Most Important People I've met in My Life So Far

I'm 25 years old at this moment in time. If I count all the people I've met in my life I could come up with alot of people that have had a direct influence on me or have had some importance to me. I'm narrowing this list down to 8 of the most important people that I have met in my life to this point. This list is no order its just numbered 1 through 8.

1. Zdenek Janda - I met him when I was 19 years old when we both just started working at Evergreen Investments in Boston, MA. I have never had such a close sense of humor connection with someone in my life. We think the same things are funny and we joke around the same way. He's a very giving person and a pretty "OK" friend haha.

2. Erica Putis - I met Erica in 2001 at an open mic in Milford, MA. She immediately caught my eye. She's the most beautiful & nicest girlfriend I've ever had in my life. We started writing music in 2002 and it felt like so right as we wrote tens of songs in a short period of time that we were really proud of and that definied that time in our lives.

3. Tim (My Brother) - He was my idol growing up. I wanted to be just like him. I thought he was the coolest guy I had ever met. He showed me the coolest music and took me to the best concerts of my life. He was the biggest influence in my life. I wouldn't be who I am today if he wasn't in my life. (is that a good thing or bad thing haha?!?!?)

4. Kristen (My Sister) - She showed me that if you work hard you can do whatever you want.
That kinda sounds like an NBC PSA huh! haha...She is one of the coolest girls ever. She can hang with the girls and be girly but she could also hang with boys and be all crazy.

5. Mom - My mom totally supported everything I did have it be when I was playing basketball in leagues as a kid or buying me my first couple guitars and setting my musical career in motion. She pretty much has every trait that I like about a person all wrapped up into one.

6. Dad - I learned how to be funny and a wiseass from my dad. I mean he didn't sit me down and say "Gregg say this what you say when this situation comes up" I learned by just watching him through the years in social situations how to have good timing to be funny.

7. Steve Lamontagne - Steve is an awesome friend & he's always there for me. He's a very creative person and is always coming up with new business ideas. He's a hard worker - meaning he always works "hard" wink wink..haha. He's always pushing me to do new and different creative things in life and I totally dig that!

8. Dave Tuetken - Dave is an very interesting person. He's a super talented musician and a great writer. He and I totally connect on alot of levels when it comes to music, movies & games and thats quite rare in my life to know someone like that and for me to actually like them to so he gets big props from me! He's a dreamer like I am so we get a big kick out of dreaming about being the next big indie thing!

If you're reading this then you were an "honorable mention" to my list of most important people I've met in my life so feel happy please ok? Please don't slit your wrists or cut your throat or take handfuls of pain killers. You're special to me in an internet kind of know what I mean? No? either do I...


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Am I Gay?

Let's first define the word "gay"
  1. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
  2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
  3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.
  4. Given to social pleasures.
  5. Dissolute; licentious.
There are many definitions for the word gay - so am I gay? I guess yes I am a bit gay because according to the definition I am dissolute sometimes, I like bright sunny rooms, I absolutely love lighthearted excitement BUT one thing I don't like are men. Sorry guys but lucky for the ladies at the same time cause I am single!

I've received so many comments and questions from my recent video as to whether I'm gay or why I act like I am. Well there is a simple answer to that. I am very good at pretending/acting like I'm gay. I've always been good at & I love making people laugh because I am an attention whore! I dunno why either...hmmmm
I've also always been asked by people throughout my life if I'm gay. I've never been attracted to a dude or a guy - sorry again to all my legions of gay male fans! The gay question probably derives because I never had a male figure growing up, I was basically raised by my sister and mother and I get along with girls way better than guys. When I'm in a group of guys I feel akward and like I don't fit in.

Hopefully this clears up and confuses people at the same time because I like to make all you people of the world wonder about me...

I did a new photo shoot of me when I used to have a mullet - see photos here

Monday, October 17, 2005

Boy Just Wants to Dance!

My newest dance video! I take it back to the 80's! Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is the song. I've got the full gay guy 80's wardrobe on and I look PINK HOT!

The Dance Video is here!

Also checkout the photo set "Boys Just Wanna Have Fun"

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Is The World Ending?

Is the world ending? This question has been asked through out the existence of man. It's also stands to be one of the scariest questions we can ask our universe. We always seem to relate the end of the world with Jesus rising from the dead and doing something really special (Christians think this anyway).

You may be saying "dude look at the signs their are tsunami's, hurricanes, earthquakes, bird flu and thousands upon thousands of people dieing - the signs are there!" Well these natural disasters happen every freakin year. Sure these disasters lately have come along powerfully and frequently but why do we instantly ask the question "is the world ending?"
The extreme right wing members of the church love to speak to the population that God is coming and the world will be ending soon. They love to get people in a scared frenzy so that they can get more converts into their church which in return makes get them more collection money for the church which in return makes the church more powerful. The church and its extremists are notorious for making predictions on God coming or the world ending or some other massive event. You can go here for a list of failed predictions by the church/bible/extremists.

So is the world really ending and should I be scared? No the world isn't ending and you have no need to be scared! What these news channels, church extremists, world leaders and other organizations like to do is whip up fear with world ending disasters so they can sell more commercial time, get more viewers, sell more medicine, vitamins, water, food, etc...It's basically a big marketing scheme so you'll spend money on extra shit you don't need so that rich old white men can buy more cars and houses.

If you have an opinion on this call (619) 377-0593 and I'll post your audio comment or post a text comment here!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Top 20 photos

Erica's The Predicates

#1: Erica's The Predicates

Erica's homemade the predicates tshirt with backwards "e" & "d"

1572 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 6 comments

Erica's Wicked Smart

#2: Erica's Wicked Smart

Erica's homemade tshirt "wicked smart"

1443 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 5 comments

Erica ex gf

#3: Erica ex gf

i dated her from 2002-2004

1052 views / 2 people count this as a favorite / 2 comments

The Predicates Outside

#4: The Predicates Outside

Erica & I playing at Tower Two in OB

776 views / Nobody counts The Predicates Outside as a favorite / 2 comments

arizona girls and my nose

#5: arizona girls and my nose

i met these girls at open mic at blind melons.

694 views / Nobody counts arizona girls and my nose as a favorite / 0 comments


#6: boobville

my friend jill from jr high is on the left with her friends showing their boobs off

663 views / Nobody counts boobville as a favorite / 2 comments

the predicate (ERica2)

#7: the predicate (ERica2)

erica before our show at blind melons

602 views / Nobody counts the predicate (ERica2) as a favorite / 0 comments

Erica smiling on chinatown

#8: Erica smiling on chinatown

erica smiling for money

583 views / Nobody counts Erica smiling on chinatown as a favorite / 0 comments

Gregg underwear model

#9: Gregg underwear model

in my boxer briefs looking sexy and BIG.

566 views / Nobody counts Gregg underwear model as a favorite / 17 comments

The Predicates still outside

#10: The Predicates still outside

Erica & I playing at Tower Two in OB

557 views / Nobody counts The Predicates still outside as a favorite / 0 comments

Jessie my ex gf

#11: Jessie my ex gf

i dated here from 1998-2001

478 views / Nobody counts Jessie my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Isa my ex gf

#12: Isa my ex gf

i dated her from 1996-1998

448 views / Nobody counts Isa my ex gf as a favorite / 0 comments

Erin my ex gf

#13: Erin my ex gf

i dated her for like 2 months in 2001

353 views / Nobody counts Erin my ex gf as a favorite / 2 comments

gregg shirtless in san diego

#14: gregg shirtless in san diego

i'm not cut and so white - killer combo!

345 views / Nobody counts gregg shirtless in san diego as a favorite / 7 comments

arizona girls and gregg

#15: arizona girls and gregg

arizona girls and me at blind melons..they were making fun of my underwear

331 views / Nobody counts arizona girls and gregg as a favorite / 0 comments

Meg my ex gf

#16: Meg my ex gf

I dated her for 2 months in 2004

319 views / 1 person counts this as a favorite / 2 comments

beast man

#17: beast man

a half nude zdenek

304 views / 3 people count this as a favorite / 0 comments

Gregg Boxer-Briefs

#18: Gregg Boxer-Briefs

in my boxer briefs looking to sex someone up

303 views / Nobody counts Gregg Boxer-Briefs as a favorite / 4 comments

the predicate (erica)

#19: the predicate (erica)

erica before our show at blind melons

260 views / Nobody counts the predicate (erica) as a favorite / 2 comments


#20: P1010057

me giving "brian" some "love"

228 views / Nobody counts P1010057 as a favorite / 7 comments

How to NOT get caught on the internet at work!

I'm giving you some of the tips that I use when I'm at work using the internet so that no one knows I'm on it. If you use my methods your chances of being caught using the internet will drastically reduce and it'll look like you are a non-stop working slut that doesn't know the word "break"

When I use the internet at work no matter what I'm doing have it be emailing (yahoo mail, hotmail, gmail, etc), myspace, sports, news, whatever I always have the window sized so that all I can see is the text and very little to no ads, photos, etc. I also leave up a program that has to do with my real work and I keep the work window maximized so it looks like I'm working inside that program - here is an example
Remember to keep your internet window low on the screen so that your head blocks it as much as possible. If a co-worker or boss gets close to you all you have to do is click on the work window and the internet window will go behind the work window thus making it no obvious that you are hiding something. Also make sure you keep your taskbar on auto-hide so that it doesn't show what windows you have open. You can make your taskbar on auto-hide by right clicking it, properties, check auto-hide, then click ok.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Day I Twisted my Testicle

I've never told this story to such a wide audience. Most people don't know this happened to me but I feel compelled to tell everyone about it, and maybe just maybe I can help some young 12-18 year old stud to cope with this extremely painful experience.

It was May of 1993 (the link goes to things that happened in 1993 - good stuff!!!)
I was a ripe 13 years old and in the 7th grade. I wish I had some photos of me when I was 13 years old. I was extremely hot trust me with that. Imagine a young Gregg just entering puberty with a lean semi-hairless body! I was in a couple of basketball leagues and played sports on the side with my friends so I stayed very active. The day arrived and it was a warm spring evening. My brother, his friend Doug & I decided to go play some hoops (basketball - duh!) at Stonehill College.
We got to the courts and the basketball rims were really low. They weren't the typical 10 feet high - these were more like 9 feet high. Well we played basketball for a couple of hours. We played "Horse" "21" & "Around the World" When we were finished playing we all tried to grab the rim and dunk the ball. Well my brother and Doug had no problem doing it. My brother is 6'2, Doug is 5'11 & in 1993 I was 5'7. I could only grab the net not the rim. I tried grabbing the rim a good handful of times. Well on the ride home I started to get these stomach aches which weren't uncommon for me during this time. I would often get really bad stomach aches and then they would eventually go away. So as you can see I was thinking it was just another bad stomach ache. We got home and the "stomach ache" persisted for about 2 hours. I said to my mom my stomach ache won't go away and it really hurts, I think I need to go to the emergency room. So she called the emergency room to get info on if they could take me immediately and so I went outside and I began throwing up uncontrollably. My sister came out and tried to comfort me but I kept getting sick so she went in and told my mom. My mom, sister & I then all headed to the emergency room at Brockton Hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and they took us in immediately. They asked me where the pain was and I told them my stomach so they started to push on my abdomen, my testicles and stomach. They finally found where it hurt most when they pushed on my testicle and they determined it was either a twisted testicle or a tumor in my testicle but they needed to do x-rays to be sure. Now as I waited for them to get the x-ray room ready the pain was getting worse and worse. I've never been in such bad pain in my life. I was rolled up in a ball, squeezing my mom and sisters hands, yelling for them to get me some pain killers but no one could get me anything cause I needed to go into surgery.

They took the x-ray's and determined it was a twisted testicle and it needed to be operated on immediately! I was taken into emergency surgery and they untwisted my testicle. I later found out it was twisted 6 times inside and it was the worse case they had ever seen! If I hadn't gotten the surgery I would have lost my testicle because what basically happens is the testicle isn't getting any oxygen so it just dies. I was also the proud parent of 6 stitches in my testicle - ouch!
I went to a Urologist once a week for him to check it all out and on the last visit he pulled the stitches out - Ouch!

I hope you enjoyed my story. It's a story of the ages that the whole family can enjoy!


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Go Girls Music Fest 2005

I have never done anything charitable with my time before. Yes I've given money to Salvation Army & Animals Shelters, but never my time. Well it all started about a month ago when I met a fellow musician at a show we played with by name of Kim Divincenzo. She is an compassionate full of positive energy person. We've continued to talk through email every so often. Well I got an email from her a couple weeks back saying she was running a benefit for an organization she is part of called Go Girls Music. The purpose of the benefit show is to raise money for ovarian cancer research. She mentioned in the email she needed help from people for all kinds of things from selling raffle tickets at the show to collecting admission at the door to helping the musicians break down their gear. I emailed Kim and told her I would help out by collecting the admission at the door. Surprising huh! I'm going to hopefully get tons of karma points!!!

All the bands playing are all fronted by female singer/songwriters. All the money raised goes to ovarian cancer research.

The show is at the:
Hardrock Cafe - 909 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA
Saturday October 8, 2005
7:30 pm - 1:00 am
Admission: $6 - all ages (after 10pm 21+)

For more info on the show click here

Come by and say hi to me as I don't get out of the house much, so this is a rare opportunity to see me in the flesh! I'll be collecting admission at the door so I should be one of the first faces you see and I have a face any mother would love so that's a good thing for sure! Right?!?!

See ya'll there!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Military Marriages

You know what aggravates me are these military marriages that happen between young 20 somethings. I never was around military people until I moved to San Diego. A couple things you notice when you move to San Diego is everyone here is from somewhere else and all the people that are in their 20's and are married are married to someone in the military. It makes me laugh when I meet these young married couples in their early 20's b/c they actually think their relationships are going to last forever! A good example is to go on myspace and search San Diego / Females 18-26 and you'll find a ton of woman that are married to military men. In these women's profiles you will find very provacative photos & all their friends are guys that write comments relating to how sexy they are and blah blah blah. These woman shouldn't be married b/c they are way too young to settle down. They are still at that stage in their life where they want guys attention and are super insecure so they flaunt their sex appeal for compliments. Their husbands don't give them the attention they really need b/c the guys are too immature and haven't been in enough relationships to realize how to make a woman happy. Shit, I'm 25 and I'm still learning from every relationship how to make a woman happy.

The question stands why do these military guys and girls get married? Simple! The guys get married because they feel they are grown ups and are ready for anything especially since they are in the military and have been around the world, etc... The girls get married because they think its romantic to marry someone in the military. (i.e. WWII Love Stories) They think they are ready for a family and to settle down.

I hear these stories and see these marriages and I say to myself it's only a matter of time before they are a statistic and the marriage is over ending in divorce.
If you have lived or do live in San Diego presently you know what I mean and if you don't then you are blind!


Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Crib (Video)

You know you've always wanted to see the apartment I live in, what I eat at home, what products I use in the shower and what my bedroom looks like! Well this is your lucky day because you now can. Erica and I give you a guided tour through our luxurious 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in sunny San Diego, California! Our other two roomates Herbie and Stowie make cameo appearances!

Download Video Here (70mb - it's BIG!)