Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How to NOT get caught on the internet at work!

I'm giving you some of the tips that I use when I'm at work using the internet so that no one knows I'm on it. If you use my methods your chances of being caught using the internet will drastically reduce and it'll look like you are a non-stop working slut that doesn't know the word "break"

When I use the internet at work no matter what I'm doing have it be emailing (yahoo mail, hotmail, gmail, etc), myspace, sports, news, whatever I always have the window sized so that all I can see is the text and very little to no ads, photos, etc. I also leave up a program that has to do with my real work and I keep the work window maximized so it looks like I'm working inside that program - here is an example
Remember to keep your internet window low on the screen so that your head blocks it as much as possible. If a co-worker or boss gets close to you all you have to do is click on the work window and the internet window will go behind the work window thus making it no obvious that you are hiding something. Also make sure you keep your taskbar on auto-hide so that it doesn't show what windows you have open. You can make your taskbar on auto-hide by right clicking it, properties, check auto-hide, then click ok.



Anonymous said...

Good idea about the auto hide.

Gregg O'Connell said...

ya i've been rawking the auto-hide for years!

Anonymous said...

Haha, how useful :-D

You better hope no one ever googles greg connell ;D

Gregg O'Connell said...

don't worry they won't i'm a nobody...

Anonymous said...

as your boss, i am very disturbed by this post. tomorrow, i want to see you in my office as soon as you get in.

steve lamontagne said...

dude just start ur own company be the boss and suf-away-what ever u want-phat

Gregg O'Connell said...

no i'd rather work for someone so i can sneak on the internet..more fun!

Anonymous said...

I'll be by your desk tomorrow...you're so caught...MT

Gregg O'Connell said...

you love me soooooo much MT!