Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chicago & Minnesota: Signs! Signs! Signs!

I was invited out by a girl I work with to go to a party with her. I get to the party and I walk in the door and to my amazement and boyish joyful glee I quickly notice it's 4 pretty girls and me! That's like winning the jackpot! Isn't that every guys dream to go to a party and its all girls and you?!?! Well as the party went on a few guys came and another girl and so on. Well three of the girls at the party actually lived in that apartment and they are all originally from Chicago. These girls were all super nice, pretty & laughed at alot of things I had to say probably because they felt bad when I hit them with "I'm a loner I just stay inside all day" haha =P.

Chicago has some kind of connection with me and let me list them all right here. My first sign of Chicago was a little over 1 year ago when my band The Predicates were playing a show in Rhode Island and one of the bands playing with us was from Chicago. We exchanged mailing list emails as to stay in contact. As time went by my band and I decided to movie to San Diego well after being her for a few months we got an email from Marizen and it said they were playing in San Diego so we surprised them with a visit to one of their shows out here.

Minnesota also seems to also be having some kind of significant part in my life. The job I work now has people from all over the country. The guy that I share a cube with Brandon was born in Minnesota. He one of my best friends at work and we get along pretty damn good for a redneck like him and rawker like myself! haha =)
My other sign of Minnesota is when The Tipsy Chicks a podcast consisting of two females from Minnesota played a song from my band on their show. I stay in contact with them and noe pretty damn good friends with them both.

Do these signs mean I should move to these places before I die a horrible death? Do they mean I should buy a plow so I can make alot of money plowing the streets of these respected places? Do they mean nothing at all?

Roll Those Clocks Back!



Anonymous said...

Minnesota is where it's at! Minnesotans are the nicest people!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the girls where just laughing because they were wasted! :) It couldn't be because you are funny!
Stick in San Diego. Apparently that's where all the cool people from Minnesota and Chicago move to.

Gregg O'Connell said...

thanks for your input girls and anonymous: i'm contemplating!

Gregg O'Connell said...

i thought you were going to start singing that rap remix song

"been around the world and aye aye aye i can't find my baby" holla!