1. Zdenek Janda - I met him when I was 19 years old when we both just started working at Evergreen Investments in Boston, MA. I have never had such a close sense of humor connection with someone in my life. We think the same things are funny and we joke around the same way. He's a very giving person and a pretty "OK" friend haha.
2. Erica Putis - I met Erica in 2001 at an open mic in Milford, MA. She immediately caught my eye. She's the most beautiful & nicest girlfriend I've ever had in my life. We started writing music in 2002 and it felt like so right as we wrote tens of songs in a short period of time that we were really proud of and that definied that time in our lives.
3. Tim (My Brother) - He was my idol growing up. I wanted to be just like him. I thought he was the coolest guy I had ever met. He showed me the coolest music and took me to the best concerts of my life. He was the biggest influence in my life. I wouldn't be who I am today if he wasn't in my life. (is that a good thing or bad thing haha?!?!?)
4. Kristen (My Sister) - She showed me that if you work hard you can do whatever you want.
That kinda sounds like an NBC PSA huh! haha...She is one of the coolest girls ever. She can hang with the girls and be girly but she could also hang with boys and be all crazy.
5. Mom - My mom totally supported everything I did have it be when I was playing basketball in leagues as a kid or buying me my first couple guitars and setting my musical career in motion. She pretty much has every trait that I like about a person all wrapped up into one.
6. Dad - I learned how to be funny and a wiseass from my dad. I mean he didn't sit me down and say "Gregg say this what you say when this situation comes up" I learned by just watching him through the years in social situations how to have good timing to be funny.
7. Steve Lamontagne - Steve is an awesome friend & he's always there for me. He's a very creative person and is always coming up with new business ideas. He's a hard worker - meaning he always works "hard" wink wink..haha. He's always pushing me to do new and different creative things in life and I totally dig that!
8. Dave Tuetken - Dave is an very interesting person. He's a super talented musician and a great writer. He and I totally connect on alot of levels when it comes to music, movies & games and thats quite rare in my life to know someone like that and for me to actually like them to so he gets big props from me! He's a dreamer like I am so we get a big kick out of dreaming about being the next big indie thing!
If you're reading this then you were an "honorable mention" to my list of most important people I've met in my life so feel happy please ok? Please don't slit your wrists or cut your throat or take handfuls of pain killers. You're special to me in an internet kind of way...you know what I mean? No? either do I...
That good to know who the most important people are in your life.
did you make my list?
I did not yet it OK if I never make it.
maybe you'll make it next year..or at least i hope you do.
the above was suppose to say I hope u did all the above- hahaha
haha i was wondering what the hell you were talking about...you love being drunk @ work!
You are very nice when you talk about people because you always find the positive in people.
right-not worth the slit in the wrist
thanks for the slap in the face
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