Thursday, October 20, 2005

Am I Gay?

Let's first define the word "gay"
  1. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
  2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
  3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.
  4. Given to social pleasures.
  5. Dissolute; licentious.
There are many definitions for the word gay - so am I gay? I guess yes I am a bit gay because according to the definition I am dissolute sometimes, I like bright sunny rooms, I absolutely love lighthearted excitement BUT one thing I don't like are men. Sorry guys but lucky for the ladies at the same time cause I am single!

I've received so many comments and questions from my recent video as to whether I'm gay or why I act like I am. Well there is a simple answer to that. I am very good at pretending/acting like I'm gay. I've always been good at & I love making people laugh because I am an attention whore! I dunno why either...hmmmm
I've also always been asked by people throughout my life if I'm gay. I've never been attracted to a dude or a guy - sorry again to all my legions of gay male fans! The gay question probably derives because I never had a male figure growing up, I was basically raised by my sister and mother and I get along with girls way better than guys. When I'm in a group of guys I feel akward and like I don't fit in.

Hopefully this clears up and confuses people at the same time because I like to make all you people of the world wonder about me...

I did a new photo shoot of me when I used to have a mullet - see photos here


Anonymous said...

THank you for explaining that.

Gregg O'Connell said...

no problem. thats why i'm here is to explain the world to you.

Anonymous said...

To those who misunderstood his post & went all homophobic, get yer head out of yer ass. Now who's gay? I will kick yer asses if you say something like that again in front of me.
To the gay persuasion, I'm sorry he's such a tease. Now back off.
I support gay rights. Please support Gregg's right to free speech.

To Gregg: if you are trying to attract chicks, just be your charming quirky self. If there is a path you should follow, you will find it without the sarcasm. You may have to leave your house tho...

Subtle, tongue in cheek, sarcastic humor can only be appreciated by other pisceans :O) It can also get you into trouble, so be careful pal.
there is a bloodhound gang song that relates to this post...

Gregg O'Connell said...

thank you for protection "anonymous".
my hero!

I like to be sarcastic and sometimes I do wish to get myself into a bit of trouble because it creates ocnflict which in return creates "buzz" =)

thanks again =)

Gregg O'Connell said...

I'm gayer than a $2 bill!