C-List Bloglebrity Gregg O'Connell!
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Every Week NEW Drunks!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Boy Just Wants to Dance!
My newest dance video! I take it back to the 80's! Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is the song. I've got the full gay guy 80's wardrobe on and I look PINK HOT!
You are the funnies person I have ever seen!!!! You made me cry! That is the funnies thing I had ever seen in the longest time! Why? Yes that is good!!
Well what can I say. Hang on let me just wipe the vomit of my mouth. Interesting dance. I downloaded your little video and will shock those at work to wake them up after tomorrow's boring meeting. They're all priests.
Oh my.... Never thought i'd see this... Not even in my imagination, now i now for sure santa must be dead this cristmus =( i guess hw saw this to and laugh himself to death xD Oh well, was fuuny to watch but now i gotta go to a eye hosptial, i think my eyes jumped out of my head and my braincells died... //M/19/Sweden (soory my bad english :P)
From the time I got my first computer in 1995 I've always loved technology and helping people understand, learn, fix, enjoy and get the most out of their electronic device.
this is completely disturbing and utterly mesmerizing. i cannot look away.
You are the funnies person I have ever seen!!!! You made me cry! That is the funnies thing I had ever seen in the longest time! Why? Yes that is good!!
Amazing- Simple Amazing!
Someone in the room had a hard time watching, I think he was stratigizing some competion dance moves. We will let you know
dude-I dont know about that-Kelly thinks u should wax ur stomach
Everytime I watch a video of yours, I cannot listen to the song the same anymore.
steve: my stomach looks nice with hair give me a break!
esther: me? a song killer? thank you =)
have any song requests for next time?
Work it GIRL! I mean Gregg....
Is there something you've recently discovered that you haven't told me yet?
I'm working it yo! I may start charging for m dance videos cause they are so instructional.
OMG you are so fun(ny)!! I loved your video and I'm not watching it anymore, but I can't stop laughing!!
Oh and hey.. I'm not a gay guy. I'm a married to a man, woman w/kids. :)
Thanks for the laugh. It was great!
thanks married man! be sure to share this video with friends and family and other adults in the PTA =)
Well what can I say. Hang on let me just wipe the vomit of my mouth. Interesting dance. I downloaded your little video and will shock those at work to wake them up after tomorrow's boring meeting. They're all priests.
You love getting attention - even if it means that everyone really believes your gay. Go!! Strait/Gay guy!!
priests are some of my biggest supporters...i'm hoping to get the church as a sponsor =)
hey i sure do like attention little lady...i like attention like you like massages - BOOYAH!
You're so smaht. And Gay. Haha...
you jealous ricuh? =P
Is that really you???? You are so different at work!!!!!!
no it's my twin brother Felix! haha of course its me...how am i different at work?
Oh my.... Never thought i'd see this... Not even in my imagination, now i now for sure santa must be dead this cristmus =( i guess hw saw this to and laugh himself to death xD
Oh well, was fuuny to watch but now i gotta go to a eye hosptial, i think my eyes jumped out of my head and my braincells died... //M/19/Sweden (soory my bad english :P)
you're in love with me admit my new sweden boy!
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