Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Modern Love

Have you ever met someone from the internet and then began dating them? Hell maybe the person you are dating now you met off the internet. It seems now the easiest place to meet and talk to someone is off the internet. You can meet your next potential significant other or a hookup from many websites: myspace, craigslist, match, etc...The internet is doing what the telephone did 30-40 years ago but 100x that! You can see photos, videos, live video, and hear any person anywhere in the world instantly. Virtual Sex is seconds away guys!!!

I've met a handful of girls off the internet. Most of the chicks haven't been my type. Some looked really pretty and skinny in their photo but when I met them in public they had 3 chins, an ass that looked like the state of Texas & the personality of a Cow (So loving and they liked to lick salt sticks)
The first girl I ever really "hooked up" with I met in an AOL chatroom. The year was 1998 and I was a wild drug-free, alchohol-free, filled with caffeine punk ready to mount a girl oops I mean conquer the world! I was in a Boston chatroom and this girl read my profile and I had some lame music quote that caught her attention so she instant messaged me and we began talking on the telephone offline shortly after that. We met at a Dunkin' Donuts a few days later and thus began us dating for 3 years off and on before we finally broke up when I was 21. Since meeting her I haven't met another girl online that I have ended up dating for more than maybe a month. I do like to use the internet to get to know someone. It's an easy relaxing way to ask questions I'd be kinda shy to ask face to face to that person.

So basically the internet is good for a few things: Porn, hookups, cybersex, booking trips, checking your spam I mean email, myspace, pirating music and movies & visiting my website.

big love,


Anonymous said...

If your looking for love online then you might not find her. I met my person in a gallery and I had not a clue that it would happpen that way. She will find you if you are not looking so hard. Freinds are good way of finding someone. Just be yourself and she will find you!! trust it.

Gregg O'Connell said...

do you have any friends that are girls i can date?